Human Resource Management – Social Environment

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This element recognizes the reality that work is a social institution and that employees expect, and to have a workplace that is some kind of community. Sometimes, social activities may take place in working time and they may be organized by the employer or otherwise. If they are largely missing and work is seen as an impersonal and unsocial environment this will have an effect on levels of engagement in the manpower management. Many steps could be taken such as team lunches or outings, away days and fundraising activities for charity, etc.

The social environment is an integral part of every organization and it is very important for the organization. The social environment must be created in the organization by the employers in order to make employees familiar with the surroundings as well as other employees working in the organization outside their teams, departments, or functional areas. The organization that takes care of their employees very well organized, organizes various types of meetings and social activities for its employees. This makes the employee feel refreshed and rejuvenated as it is something different from their routine work-life. The reward management systems that are placed very well in the organization are much capable of creating a social environment. Employees are provided with day outs, free lunches, holidays with their families, entertainment, movie tickets, etc. as a part of reward management systems. This helps in increasing the efficiency of the employees as they feel that their needs are well taken care of by the employers. All such activities also increase the social circles of the employees which helps in increasing their skills and knowledge. Employees apply these skills and knowledge into the completion of tasks assigned to him or her by their employers which increases efficiency and effectiveness in their results and helps in the growth of the organization. Social activities must form a part of every organization.

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