Position for a Doctor of Chocolate in University of Cambridge

Ever thought of doing a PhD in Chocolate? What if all you had to research was on the melting ability of chocolates? Suppose there is a Nobel in store for coming up with the most ingenious way to keep chocolate from melting? Cambridge University is in fact looking for a Charlie for its chocolate factory!
Cambridge University has advertised for a PhD studentship of a fully funded three and a half year research project to find ways to keep chocolate from melting in warm temperatures. “The project will investigate the factors which allow chocolate, which has a melting point close to that of the human body, to remain solid and retain qualities sought by consumers when it is stored and sold in warm climates”; rightly so as chocolate has a melting point close to the human body temperature. The research which would be supervised under the Department of Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology under supervisors who have experience in studying soft solids, including food.
It will not be such a sweet deal after all. The university describes the program as being majorly “experimental” but there is a huge deal of scientific and engineering skills involved.
The candidate will also need to have good mathematical skills, at least 4 years of study at University level and a high 2:1 or equivalent degree in a relevant discipline such as physics, chemistry, materials science or engineering. A track record in scientific experimentation and extensive experience of studying soft solids could come in handy.
The job is only open to EU candidates because of the funding regulations with a supposed sponsor having “existing technology in this field”. The last date to apply for a job as a chocolate doctor is August 29, 2014. There isn’t much time left on that. Also the job is likely to start on January 2015.