Welcome to your study guide for mastering and championing the WGUC168 Critical Thinking & Logic course! This guide will provide you with tips and tricks to succeed in this course. Based on student feedback and experiences, here’s how you can excel:

1. Understand the Course Objectives:

  • Familiarize yourself with the course objectives and expectations.
  • Recognize that the course is designed to enhance your critical thinking skills and logical reasoning.

2. Acronyms for Key Concepts:

  • Utilize the acronyms provided by fellow students to help you remember essential concepts. For example, “Cameron evolved” and “Melvin Sanchez.”
  • Create flashcards or notes to reinforce these acronyms and their associated concepts.

3. Emphasize Key Modules:

  • Focus on modules 5, 6, and 8, as these are crucial for the exam.
  • Dedicate more time to understanding the content in these modules and taking thorough notes.

4. Module Webinars:

  • Access recorded webinars under the “Announcements” tab for quicker and more effective learning.
  • Speed up videos to 1.5x and enable closed captioning for efficient comprehension.

5. Understand Fallacies:

  • Thoroughly grasp various logical fallacies and their definitions.
  • Create mnemonic devices or associations to remember each fallacy.

6. Practice Critical Thinking:

  • Engage in real-world critical thinking scenarios to enhance your problem-solving skills.
  • Apply critical thinking principles to everyday situations to reinforce your understanding.

7. Prepare for Assessments:

  • Follow your program mentor’s recommended study sequence.
  • Complete modules 1, 2, and 3 before taking the pre-assessment.
  • Review modules 5, 6, and 8 in detail, as they are heavily represented on the exam.

8. Take Notes:

9. Time Management:

  • Set a study schedule and allocate time for each module and topic.
  • Avoid cramming; consistent, focused study sessions are more effective.

10. Exam Strategy:

  • Carefully read each exam question and answers before selecting your response.
  • Eliminate obviously incorrect answers to narrow down options.

11. Reflect and Apply:

  • After completing the course, reflect on how you can apply critical thinking and logic skills in real life.
  • Continuously practice critical thinking in your daily decisions and interactions.

12. Engage with Fellow Students:

  • Join online forums, discussion boards, or study groups to exchange insights and study strategies.
  • Learn from others’ experiences and perspectives on the course content.

Remember, the key to success in this course is not just memorization but the application of critical thinking skills to real-world scenarios. Best of luck on your learning journey!

But, just before you go, here is a BONUS SECTION which we gathered by reviewing over hundreds of YouTube Videos of former WGU students who have taken C168 Critical Thinking and Logic course and mastered it in under 4 hours

FORMER STUDENTS REVEAL: The Ultimate 10 Hacks to Finish the WGU C168 Critical Thinking & Logic course in Just 4 hours

1. Use Acronyms and Mnemonics: Create acronyms or mnemonic devices to remember key concepts, fallacies, and important information. These memory aids can make studying more efficient.

2. Focus on Key Modules: Prioritize modules 5, 6, and 8, as they are significant for both the course content and the exam. Allocate more study time to thoroughly understand these modules.

3. Attend Webinars: One of the YouTuber alumni of this course mentioned a special hidden feature of old hidden recorded webinars under the “Announcements” tab for a faster and more effective way to grasp course content. Speed up the videos and use closed captioning for better comprehension.

4. Take Effective Notes: While some concepts might seem intuitive, taking notes helps reinforce your understanding. Summarize key points, fallacies, and principles to refer back to during revision.

5. Practice Critical Thinking: Apply critical thinking skills to real-life scenarios outside of the course. Regularly engage in debates, discussions, and puzzles to enhance your problem-solving abilities.

6. Create Study Groups: Collaborate with fellow students through online forums or study groups. Sharing insights, strategies, and discussing challenging topics can deepen your understanding.

7. Teach Someone Else: Teaching a concept to someone else can solidify your knowledge. Explain critical thinking concepts to a friend or family member to reinforce your own understanding.

8. Analyze Real-World Examples: Apply critical thinking to news articles, advertisements, and everyday situations. Identify fallacies or logical flaws in arguments to enhance your analytical skills.

9. Take Pre-Assessments: Before diving into the course content, take the pre-assessment to identify your strengths and weaknesses. This can guide your study plan and help you focus on areas that need improvement.

10. Practice Time Management: Create a study schedule that allocates time for each module and topic. Consistent, focused study sessions are more effective than last-minute cramming.

Remember, the key to success in this course is actively engaging with the content, thinking critically, and applying your knowledge to real-world scenarios. Use these hacks to optimize your learning experience and excel in your studies.