Drug Target Identification Assignment Help

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Drug Target Identification

New molecular targets which are of clinical relevance have to be identified for the discovery of drugs. A number of modern approaches have been made for the identification of targets in comparison to the older approaches of cellular and Molecular Biology.

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These include:

a) Genomics- Sequencing of the human genome, a blueprint of all the proteins and the transformation of the raw sequence into the genes and their encoded proteins and also to compare whole genomes these various approaches of genomics are used in the identification of biological targets.

b) Bioinformatics-Bioinformatics is also an important tool for the identification of important drug targets as it can compare the entire genome of pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains of microbe and can also identify the genes and proteins associated with pathogenism.

c) Proteomics- The complexity of the biological system lies at the level of the proteins, it the protein level at most of the drugs act, and therefore, the analysis of proteins can shed light upon the target discovery.

The drug designing and discovery process include the following major steps:

  1. Drug Target Identification
  2. Target Validation
  3. Lead Compound Identification
  4. Lead Optimization
  5. Preclinical And Clinical development
  6. Administration of Drugs
  7. Absorption Of Drugs
  8. Drug Assays
  9. Preservation Of Pharma Product

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