The JBI Website And a Database Search Engine

Assessment Resources:

Students require access to the internet, specifically access to the JBI website and a database search engine (such as Ebsco host) via the library.  To complete the assessment student need to access the answer template loaded onto Blackboard (under assessments).

Assessment Instructions:

The assessment will be opened at the end of the first Session to enable students to work on the assessment through the course.  The assessment will be closed at the end of the week Session 8 occurs.  Students will be able to bring their work to class sessions (and seek feedback in person if required, feedback will not be provided electronically) as some time in Sessions will be allocated to working on and seeking assistance to complete the assessment.

Students must assess a different article to their colleagues/ classmates.  This will be moderated by the Lecturer of Nursing for the Unit in the week Session 2 occurs.  If students have not chosen an article by the end of the week Session 3 has occurred they must contact the Lecturer of Nursing for the unit and have their article approved.

The assessment will be loaded on BlackBoard and marked by lecturers on BlackBoard.  Students must respond correctly to every question to pass.  As per assessment policy students will be offered 2 attempts to correctly complete assessment.

Assessment Instrument:

This assessment has been adapted from the Critical Review Form – Quantitative Studies by M.Law, D. Stewart, N. Pollack, L. Letts, J. Bosch & M. Westmorland at McMaster University

Part 1 – Reflecting on Practice and identifying a situation to improve Practice

1. Reflect on your clinical experience to identify a situation where  research would improve your clinical experience.  You may use any model for reflection.  Ensure you not only state the facts but reflect on your practice.  Adhere to the word limit – 150 words

2. Choose an Evidence Based Summary that provides information on this topic, from the JBI Data Base and include in your submission.

Part 2 – Planning and Gathering Information

You need to locate research that has been published on the same topic after the date of publication of your JBI Summary of Evidence or Best Practice Summary (eg. Wound Management Larval Therapy was published in 2016, therefore articles published in 2016 or after would be suitable). Provide at least 4 articles (no more than 6).

3. Define your research objectives using PICO and conduct your search. 

4. Provide Full text PDF versions of each article.

5. Evaluate each article using the Template below



Study Design

Sample Size







Small sample size

Conducted overseas

Similarities between Intervention and Control group at Baseline

Authors stated intervention was effective, unable to determine due to similarities at Baseline.









6. Of the articles you have assessed identify which is the most robust or relevant to your topic

Part 3

Take this article (identified in Question 6) and analyse in more depth using the questions below, adapted from the McMaster tool.

7a. During the Literature what was the identified gap/s in current knowledge?

7b Was the Literature reviewed relevant?  In your answer refer to the provenance of the articles, expertise of the authors and how relative they are to the topic.

8. What is the purpose of the study? Was it clearly stated?

9. Does the research question reflect this? Refer to PICO in your answer.

10. Describe the study design and the benefits of using this type of study (or characteristics of this type of research design).

11. Describe the sample used in the study. Refer to the size, sampling method used, suitability for the study and Demographics at Baseline. 

12. Was there any bias in this study? Bias can be in the design, methodology, or sample.

13. What were the main findings of the study? Justify your opinion ensuring you refer to the results and discussion.

14. Based on the results of the study would you recommend any changes to clinical practice? In addition to robustness of the study consider Generalisability and Transferability of results.

15. How would you implement this in the workplace?

16. Discuss the ethical issues that relate to this article.

17.Were there any limitations in the study or areas for further research? How would you address these?

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