Object Oriented Programming and Data

Diploma in Software and Design

Assignment Cover Sheet

Module Name /or number: Object Oriented Programming & Data (25 credits)

Assignment title and/or number: C#.Net Assessment

Assessment weighting

Need to pass the assessment to complete the course

Passing Criteria:

Need to score 50 or more marks to pass the assessment.

Total Marks : 100

Assessment conditions:

This is a resource-based assessment. This means that you may have access to any relevant resources to assist you. This could include, for example, your learning materials, information on the Internet, and so on. However, all work must be your own with no assistance from any other person.

Submission requirements:

You’re required to upload the following on Cloud Campus:

This document, completed where appropriate

Visual Studio project files

Upload your project on Github and paste the link below

GitHub link below:

Learning Outcomes:

User experience (Ux) design including user interface (UI), HCI principles, and universal accessibility;

Coding – object oriented, procedural;

Source and version control;

Application of the core software development concepts and practice, underpinned in the fourth outcome of the New Zealand Certificate in Information Technology (Level 5) [Ref: 2595].

Assignment Checklist:





User interface








Disclaimer of Plagiarism and Collusion

I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, this assessment is my own work, and has not been copied from any other student's work or from any other source.

Enter your name here to indicate you agree to the above statement.

DSD -01 UI Based Simple Game

Program due ?????

This project involves playing Russian roulette with a gun, or any other method that meets the criteria specified below.

The program runs like this. (with a button for each step)

1 You load the bullet into the chamber of a revolver (not an automatic)

2 You spin the chamber to create a random place where the bullet is with a 1 in 6 chance.

3 You pull the trigger repeatedly until the gun fires through to the number where the bullet is stored.

4 The player has 2 chances to shoot away during the game, this means that if the bullet is fired during that time they survive. If they shoot away twice and still the bullet has not been fired then they better make their will because the next shot they die.

What your project needs.

  • At least one class
  • At least two Unit Tests of major parts
  • At least one sound
  • At least one image
  • Sound and image should be loaded from the resource folder.
  • All significant code to be commented
  • Project to be hosted on Github (include your url)
  • No variables in the code – all in the classes
  • Include WIN / LOSE and Total scores

You can and should use any examples we have made to date for help.

You can use the net, (although that won’t be much help).

You can ask for help.

But the SIGNIFIGENT MAJORITY of your program has to be your own work

Look at the examples of past students work for ideas.

Be creative. DO NOT make your program look like these images show. Use your imagination and Coding Ninja skills to change it into something far more entertaining and surprise us.

Examples of Students work

You should pay attention to ensure that your code is well structured; appropriately commented and meaningful variable names have been used.

Marking Schedule

Form features


At least one Image


At least one sound


Include WIN / LOSE and Total scores

Class Operations


At least one class

Unit test


At least two Unit Tests of major parts

Code Requirements


At least one sound


Sound and image should be loaded from the resource folder.


All significant code to be commented


No variables in the code – all in the classes


Project to be hosted on Github (include your url)