Question and answer on Joshua and Judges

Q & A on Joshua and Judges

  1. In the video on Joshua, who is it they say is doing battle against the Canaanites?

It is God’s battle against the Canaanites.

What part is Israel to have in the battle for the Promised Land?

Israel plays the part of spectators or supporters in God’s plan.

  1. In the Joshua video, 3 points are made in answer to the question, "Why does God declare war?" What are those 3 points?
    1. The culture of the Canaanites had become extremely morally corrupt, especially when it comes to sex and child sacrifices. Therefore, the Canaanites had to go.
    2. God did not want to literally destroy the Canaanites. God was open to those who would turn to him. Canaanites can turn to God of Israel.
    3. With all other nations, Israel was commanded by God to pursue peace.
  2. How does the video explain the statements in Joshua about "all of the Canaanites" being slaughtered?

When you first read the verses, it says, “totally destroyed them”, “left no survivor”, or “anything that breathed.” However, this was not literal. It was a hyperbole. Joshua fits in with other ancient battle accounts by using non-literal hyperbolic language as part of the narrative style.

Was it really a Genocide?

No, it wasn’t literally genocide especially in the stories where the Canaanites who did turn to God.

  1. According to the Judges video, what is the main point of that book?

The main point of the book of Judges is Israel’s total failure.

  1. Why did God tell the Israelites to drive out the Canaanites from the land?

God tells the Israelites to drive out the Canaanites from the land to avoid their moral corruption and their way of worshipping the gods through child sacrifice.

  1. According to the video, if the leaders and people are so corrupt at this time, why does God's Spirit fall upon the leaders and why does He use them for His purposes?

God is committed first and foremost to saving His people.

  1. In the final chapters of Judges, the statement is repeated several times, "In those days Israel had no king, and everyone did what was right in their own eyes". What hint of hope is there for the future in that phrase?

Israel has no king. Therefore, this points out the need for God’s grace to send a king who will rescue His people.