{" "} Programming Help for MultiLisp Language

Introduction to MultiLisp Programming Language

Multi Lisp Programming is a functional programming language which is a version of Lisp ie Dialect Scheme And it is constructed for parallel execution and shared memory. It has some garbage collection and task scheduling algorithms.

The two keyword used in MultiLisp to achive parallelism are:

PCALL is written as (PCALL Fun A B C ...) which is equivalent to(Fun A B C ...)

MultiLisp uses Future for parallel programming construct such as

(cons (FUTURE A) (FUTURE B))

Example of MultLisp Programming Language

There are two example first one shows sine value and another one which print “HEY”.

Calculating the sine of all items in a list [10]
numbers = [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7];
result = sin(numbers);
The basic "Hey" program:
(print "Hey")

How to learn MultiLisp Programming Language

Tutorial or Books for learning MultiLisp Programming Language: