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DCL Digital Command Language

Digital command language is a Command language or scripting language that tells the operating system to perform specific operations. DCL allows the many of Object Oriented Programming features e.g data-types, including strings, integer, arrays and Boolean but don't allow the floating point data types. DCL allows all iteration features to perform the series of commands to the operating system.

DCL commands let you do the following:

  • Get information about the system
  • Work with files
  • Work with disks, magnetic tapes, and other devices
  • Modify your work environment
  • Develop and execute programs
  • Provide security and ensure that resources are used efficiently

DCL Commands

COPYMakes a copy of a specified file
COPY/FTP Transfers files between hosts over a TCP/IP network
CREATECreates files or directories
DELETE Erases a specified file and removes it from a directory
DIRECTORY Displays the contents of a directory (list of files)
EDITViews and changes the contents of a text file
LOGOUTEnds your session
PRINT Sends a specified file to a printer for printing
RENAME Changes the name or the location of a specified file
SETControls how you see the system on the screen
SHOWDisplays the status of the system
TYPE Displays the contents of a specified file on the screen