Karyotyping Assignment

  1. trisomy
  2. Klinefelter’s
  3. 13

One circumstance in which karyotyping is done in a health clinic setting is to indicate a genetic contribution to autism spectrum disorders. Patients had received genetic testing which included a G-banded karyotype, to test for microscopic genomic deletions and duplications (Yiping Shen, 2010). The results of the study yielded abnormal results that chromosomal microarray had the highest detection rates among test patients with autism spectrum disorders. 

To date, our family has not considered karyotype testing. Having been educated on its purpose, I believe that it would be beneficial in the future. No one in my immediate family has suffered from Klinefelter’s or Down’s syndrome. This does not mean we should never consent to karyotyping, but it may be something to consider as more GMO and genetically altered foods are put on the market for consumption—which may influence the genes of offspring.

Romans 8:28 says, “…and we know that all things work together for good.” God is the maker of all and we know that He can restore and repair genes to the way he ordained them to function.


James, K. (1611). Holy Bible. Zondervan.

Yiping Shen, K. A. (2010, April). Clinical Genetic Testing for Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Retrieved from American Academy of Pediatrics: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/125/4/e727.short

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