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you selected the tool window option

You selected the tool window option

Visual Studio Packages in a Nutshell ❘245

The information you provide here will be used in the source code generated for the package, and will be displayed in the About dialog. The “ Company name ” will be used in the namespace of generated types, as well as the “ VSPackage name, ” which also names the class representing the package in code.

In this sample, you will create only a menu command that pops up a message on the screen, so you click the Menu Command option. If you selected the Tool Window option, the VSPackage wizard would create some more code for a simple tool window, and code to display it on the screen. For this exercise, leave that option and the Custom Editor option unchecked.

Click the Next button and the wizard goes to the page where you specify a few details about the menu command to create, as shown in Figure 6 - 29.

FIGURE 6 - 29: Command options are specifi ed here

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