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what are guerrilla marketing strategies

What are guerrilla marketing strategies?

What are guerrilla marketing strategies?

Billboards, flyers, and telemarketing are traditional outbound marketing strategies. Companies use these methods to send out a message about their products and await consumer interest.

Traditional has become boring. And to stand out, small businesses are adopting a new method of outbound marketing.

What is guerrilla marketing?

3 examples of guerrilla marketing strategies

The implementation should be simple but creative enough to catch someone’s eye. Graffiti is a known method — it’s artistic but cheap, needing only cans of spray paint. The problem is, no matter how gorgeous the picture, it’s still illegal.

Of course, businesses want to catch the eye of the people, but not the police.

Instead of a flash mob, companies may create a small event and invite regular people to join in. This type of strategy encourages people to participate and take photos. Some will even live stream the event. And if posted on social media, the campaign visibility will spread online.

It’s simple but not without risks

Guerrilla marketing is a creative outlet. It provides freedom and endless opportunities. But like any type of marketing, it can fail.

Still, it’s a fun way to stand out against corporate marketing. If that fits your brand, and you believe the risks are worth the reward, go out and create something big.

Image: Yury Zap/Shutterstock. com

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