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title and works cited page are not included the wo

Title and works cited page are not included the word count

Humanities History

Freshman Research Project 2024

Mr. Eder

Goals: This is a research project for all students in Freshman Humanities. It is a written project, focusing on some aspect of Ancient History related to the units of inquiry. The goal of this research paper is to give you the opportunity to demonstrate your abilities in the following areas:

b. No .coms without my approval. (Look for .org, .gov, .mil .edu)
c. No more than one encyclopedia or encyclopedia web site (for example, or -again with my approval for the .com) d. Note that Wikipedia is NOT a reliable source and should not be included in your research

2. Due Dates: Details will be included with their individual assignments. These will also be listed separately on MySchoolApp.

c. Writing: 25%—Is your writing clear and concise? Do you make a solid argument that is interesting to read without being inflated with an excess of flowery speech?

d. Logic: 25%—Do you present a thorough, logical argument to support your thesis? Do your sources and writing make a sound case for your thesis?

Humanities History
Mr. Eder

Important writing suggestions:

• Avoid the use of the word “very", contractions, split infinitives, and/or use of ‘I’ or ‘you’.

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