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this individual the fourth type the most difficult

This individual the fourth type the most difficult deal with

Business and Project

Last Lecture…

 Last week, we considered Last week, we considered issues issues that could hinder the

 This lecture is concerned with This lecture is concerned with leadership leadership; the role of

senior management

 The Role of Leadership

 Styles of Leadership

What is Leadership?

Martin Luther King, Jr. Mahatma Gandhi

 Leadership is Leadership is difficult to define

 There are There are no common factors, traits, or processes

What is Leadership?

 Peter Drucker Peter Drucker opines that effective leadership is based primarily

on being consistent consistent. .

technical, and administrative. .


What is Leadership?

anything from task conditions task conditions to to subordinate

expectations. .

The Role of Leadership

The implementation of a strategy implementation of a strategy will mean there is going to

be some kind of change

control of those resources

 There might be new practices new practices to implement

The Role of Leadership

Some people will win, others will (or could could) lose

 The increased The increased chance of failure

 The need for The need for faith faith or or belief

in order to:

 Manage the political and power struggles political and power struggles that will ensue

Styles of Leadership

Styles of Leadership


This kind of leadership is said to be beneficial:

 For managing For managing strategic change

Instrumental (transactional) leaders are said to be:

 Concerned with Concerned with designing systems


shares the values of the company has onward-and-upward prospects.

 A leader who A leader who does not meet commitments does not meet commitments but but shares the company

on commitments, makes all the numbers, but , makes all the numbers, but doesn’t share the values

This individual is typically the one who forces performance out of

 Cleland and Ireland (2007: 384) presents two types of leadership


directive, autocratic, and socially distant.

 Task-oriented leadership style usually is associated with leadership style usually is associated with productivity productivity but may

task-centred as as instrumental (or transactional)


 The people being led: The people being led: the followers

 The The situation or context situation or context (i.e. the project environment or problem)

relationship among these variables.”

Source: Adapted from McGregor (1960: 179-189) 20

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