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the unequal and unjust distribution wealth

The unequal and unjust distribution wealth

Assessment of PH society from John Rawls’ Concept of Justice
Justice as Fairness
“Why Justice is conceived as fairness? What is his basis?”
-According to Rawls, the principle of justice is the people that would object of mutual agreement by a person under fair conditions. With this, justice as fairness led to the development of the theory of justice from the idea of social contract.

- Rawls’ concept of justice is primary objective in a democratic society wherein social contract is formed. When social contract is formed, a “well-ordered” society is attained.

a. Equal Liberty - liberties of conscience, freedom of association, freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of person including freedom of psychological oppression, physical assault, the right to property, the right to vote, and freedom from arbitrary arrest.

b. Equal Opportunity - every individual has the right to work for himself in the society to sustain his basic needs. The fair opportunity points to the unfortunate and marginalized, meaning those who are the poorer of the poor. They are still part of the society and that

4. Philippines has several sets of institutions that caters the needs of the people. It also serves as the mechanism which governs the behavior of the individuals, has a social purpose.

- The view of a well-ordered society. According to Rawls, a well-ordered society is regulated by the 2 principles; his vision of a good society is a well-ordered society. The principles can create peace & harmony in every individual as well as with the society.

2. Philippines has laws and we are governed by laws. How the laws are being managed by the authorities is the question, and how the system works in the country. The abuse or exploitation of power of government officials can be observed, wherein the results of their action shows how they are being blinded by money and greed. Several social injustices such as:

-The extent of graft and corruption is a manifestation of how the country and the people is suffering from a great loss. It is because this leads to privatization of the benefits the people/mass should receive from the government. The reason why poverty is still alive nowadays because the comfort people must have, is the comfort that favors those who are in power.

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On the other hand, equal opportunity since there are opportunities given and are offered to the people but not all have access to it. An evidence of this is discrimination and unreasonable requirements during job applications which leads to unemployment. For example, in applying for a job, there are height and age requirements. Instead of relying on experience and skills, many Filipino employers rely on looks, age and other unnecessary requirements. Another is, the unequal and unjust distribution of wealth, the 1% or those are in the upper class accumulates around 80-90% of the benefits and resources of the country while the underclass/working class who works for them divides the remaining shares which is not enough to sustain their basic needs thus economic development is only felt by the rich.

principles, fairness in the allocation of resources should be done, and attention to the unfortunate and marginalized must be given. The legislation and enactment of laws should be done impartially so as to benefit many, and not only benefit the personal interests of chosen people. Equality must be promoted not only to certain class, but to all.

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