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the rst step the workfl saves into the dnrequest t

The rst step the workfl saves into the dnrequest table the database

Persistence and Human Interactions❘535

Activities =
new CreateDomainNameRequest
DomainName = new InArgument < string > (ctx = > DomainName.Get(ctx)), Request = new OutArgument < DNRequest > (ctx = > request.Get(ctx)) },
new InvokeMethod
TargetType = typeof (RequestClientProxy),
MethodName = “AddDNRequestToList”,
Parameters =
new InArgument < DNRequest > (ctx = > request.Get(ctx))
new WaitForApproval
BookmarkName = “ApproveRequest”,
Status = new OutArgument < string > (ctx = > status.Get(ctx)) },
new InvokeMethod
TargetType = typeof (RequestClientProxy),
MethodName = “UpdateDNRequest”,
Parameters =
new InArgument < int > (ctx = > request.Get(ctx).RequestID), new InArgument < string > (ctx = > status.Get(ctx))

The CreateDomainNameRequest wraps the request into a DNRequest record, and saves it into the database.

The fi rst InvokeMethod activity calls the AddDNRequestToList method that appends the new request into the list of request (that is, the list in the middle of Figure 11 - 19).


The second InvokeMethod activity calls the UpdateDNRequest method that updates the state of the request in the list.

Preparing the Workfl ow Database

In addition to the tables the script created, the

FIGURE 11 - 20: The Create New SQL Server Database dialog

using System.Activities;
using DomainNameDAL;

namespace RequestClient.Activities

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