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the operations the data type include inserting new

The operations the data type include inserting new string


If you were paying close attention to the above discussion, you might have noticed that there is one special case which is not mentioned. What happens if the new node has to be inserted at the end of the list? This will happen if all the items in the list are less than the new item. In fact, this case is already handled correctly by the subroutine, in the last part of the if statement. If insertItem is greater than all the items in the list, then the while loop will end when runner has traversed the entire list and become null. However, when that happens, previous will be left pointing to the last node in the list. Setting = newNode adds newNode onto the end of the list. Since runner is null, the command = runner sets to null, which is the correct value that is needed to mark the end of the list.

* @param deleteItem the item to be deleted
* @return true if the item was found and deleted, or false if the item * was not in the list.

public boolean delete(String deleteItem) {

Node previous; // Always points to the node preceding runner.

runner =; previous = head;

// Remove it by changing the pointer in the previous node. =;
return true;
else {
// The item does not exist in the list.

The term abstract data type, or ADT, refers to a set of possible values and a set of operations on those values, without any specification of how the values are to be represented or how the operations are to be implemented. An “ordered list of strings” can be defined as an abstract data type. Any sequence of Strings that is arranged in increasing order is a possible value of this data type. The operations on the data type include inserting a new string, deleting a string, and finding a string in the list. There are often several different ways to implement the same abstract data type. For example, the “ordered list of strings” ADT can be implemented as a linked list or as an array. A program that only depends on the abstract definition of the ADT can use either implementation, interchangeably. In particular, the implementation of the ADT can be changed without affecting the program as a whole. This can make the program easier to debug and maintain, so ADTs are an important tool in software engineering.

In this section, we’ll look at two common abstract data types, stacks and queues. Both stacks and queues are often implemented as linked lists, but that is not the only possible implementation. You should think of the rest of this section partly as a discussion of stacks and queues and partly as a case study in ADTs.

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