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the goal feels more attainable

The goal feels more attainable

In order to try to ensure that I avoid plagiarism in my writing I am planning on using the Plagiarism Prevention Checklist and the Plagiarism Prevention Resource Kit. I am also going to try very hard to make sure that I follow all 4 steps to properly writing my paper to avoid plagiarism including setting up a writing schedule. The writing schedule will be something new to me but I can see how it can be beneficial. Being on such a tight schedule I can see the value in setting aside time to do my writing properly. I will also continue to use the Safe Assign Drafts program to ensure that I avoid plagiarism.

Paraphrasing and synthesizing will be very helpful in my future writings. Being that I am continually learning new concepts, paraphrasing will help me to develop my own understanding of the concept the writer is trying to portray. Learning good paraphrasing skills will help to avoid plagiarism as well. Since I will be writing many papers on many new subjects paraphrasing will need to be a tool I utilize a lot.

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Uploaded by : Jonathan Adams

PageId: DOCFFE6968