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3NF Table Validation Options Assignment Answers Needed

Your Question:

trip (tripid,tripname,startlocation,state,distance,maxgrpsize,type,seasonnum,season)

the functional dependencies are :

a. trip (tripid,tripname,startlocation,state,distance,maxgrpsize,type)

season(seasonnum,season) tripseason (tripid,seasonnum)

d. none of the above

Step By Step Answers with Explanation

The third normal form (3NF) is a level of database normalization that ensures the removal of transitive dependencies and makes the database schema more efficient and free from data anomalies. To determine which of the given options (a, b, c, or d) represents tables in the third normal form for the provided functional dependencies, we need to analyze each option individually.

tripseason (tripid, seasonnum)

In this option, we have two tables: "trip" and "season." The "tripseason" table represents the relationship between trips and seasons. Let's analyze the functional dependencies:

Option b:

trip (tripid, tripname, startlocation, state, distance, maxgrpsize, type)

Option c:

trip (tripid, tripname, startlocation, state, distance, maxgrpsize, type)

Therefore, options a, b, and c all represent tables in the third normal form for the provided functional dependencies. However, option c includes some redundancy due to including "tripid" in the "season" table's primary key.

Option d is not the correct choice because it does not represent the tables in 3NF for the provided functional dependencies.

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