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subedi_pranuja_essay by Pranuja Subedi

Submission date: 02-Oct-2018 06:30PM (UTC+1000)
Submission ID: 1012238689
File name: human_relation.docx (17.98K)
Word count: 1260
Character count: 6858


Theories are continually being revised.


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Text match
Text match

Text match
No full stop

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Julie Text match
Text match
Julie Victoria
Text match
Text match
paragraph structure.
Paragraph Structure


Message unclear.
versus Abbreviations
Text match

Text match
Incomplete reference
Incomplete reference

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Incomplete reference
Incomplete reference

Incomplete reference




Submitted to Grand Canyon University


Student Paper


Of f

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. 1 Submission issue
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Message unclear.
Message unclear.


Text Comment. and why this inf ormation is relevant to nursing practice.

Text Comment. Essays do not require headings. If you were using headings, you would need something more meaningf ul than "body".


can result in your work being investigated f or academic misconduct.


Text match


This text matches another source. Greater paraphrasing required. Even unintentional matches

can result in your work being investigated f or academic misconduct.


Awkward expression.




Awkward expression.


Text match

This text matches another source. Greater paraphrasing required. Even unintentional matches

Text Comment. Julie's



can result in your work being investigated f or academic misconduct.


Paragraph Structure
Inappropriate paragraph structure. Paragraphs should be 250-300 words each, starting with a


Message unclear.
Message unclear.

Text Comment. versus


can result in your work being investigated f or academic misconduct.



the case study.

Text Comment. Ref erences?


Incomplete reference
Incomplete ref erence

Text Comment. Who was the author?


RUBRIC: 401005 ESSAY 2018

16 / 40


2.50 / 5

HIGH DISTINCTION Clear and concise introduction that identif ies the developmental stage, highlights its (4.50) importance in the lif espan and previews all points to be expanded on in the body of the essay. A clear, concise and articulate conclusion that summarises all the main points and draws insightf ul implications f or practice.

HIGH DISTINCTION Clear and concise introduction that identif ies the developmental stage, highlights its (4.50) importance in the lif espan and previews all points to be expanded on in the body of the essay. A clear, concise and articulate conclusion that summarises all the main points and draws insightf ul implications f or practice.

CREDIT A clear introduction that identif ies the developmental stage, mentions its importance (3.50) and previews most points to be expanded on in the body of the essay. A clear, detailed conclusion that summarises most of the main points and makes some ref erence to practice.

CREDIT A clear introduction that identif ies the developmental stage, mentions its importance (3.50) and previews most points to be expanded on in the body of the essay. A clear, detailed conclusion that summarises most of the main points and makes some ref erence to practice.

PASS A basic introduction that identif ies the developmental stage, however its importance (2.50) in the lif espan is superf icial or overlooked. Attempts to preview the essay, though some main points are missing or unclear. Introduction may lack clarity due to grammatical errors. A basic conclusion that attempts to summarise the main points, though missing some main points and/or containing minor points/or too lengthy.

Some brief ref erence to practice may or may not be included.

CRITERION 2 7.50 / 15

2.1. Identif ies and discusses the normative (usual) exmples of pychosocial development f or age-group (0-6 months or 2-5 years). 2.2. Draws on the work of a theorist(s) and apply knowledge to topic area with examples. 2.3. Discussion is f ully supported by relevant literature. 2.4. Makes ref erence to the Case Study scenario at lest twice in providing examples or ref erring to hypothetical possibilities.

HIGH DISTINCTION Essay conveys consistent evidence of synthesis in discussion of the normative (14) psychosocial aspects of development f or age-group (0-6 months or 2-5 years).

Draws on the work of a theorist, and application is highly integrated into the discussion. Each point in the discussion is f ully supported by relevant literature.

DISTINCTION Essay conveys consistent evidence of critical analysis in discussion of the normative (12.50) psychosocial development f or age-group (0-6 months or 2-5 years). Draws on the work of a theorist, and application is mostly relevant to the discussion. Each point in the discussion is supported by relevant literature. Makes clear and detailed ref erence to the Case Study scenario at least twice in the discussion.

DISTINCTION Essay conveys consistent evidence of critical analysis in discussion of the normative (12) psychosocial development f or age-group (0-6 months or 2-5 years). Draws on the work of a theorist, and application is mostly relevant to the discussion. Each point in the discussion is supported by relevant literature. Makes clear and detailed ref erence to the Case Study scenario at least twice in the discussion.

ref erence to the Case Study scenario at least twice in the discussion.<br />

PASS Essay conveys some evidence of understanding within discussion of the normative (9.50) psychosocial development f or age-group (0-6 months or 2-5 years), however this is largely descriptive, rather than analytic. Draws on the work of a theorist, but application is not always linked and/or relevant to the discussion. At least half the points made throughout the work are supported by relevant literature. Makes descriptive ref erence to the Case Study scenario at least twice in discussion.<br />

FAIL Essay f ails to show adequate understanding of the normative psychosocial aspects (3) of development f or age-group (0-6 months or 2-5 years) and/or Does not draw on the work of a theorist, and/or application of theoretical material is inappropriate where used and/or Less than half the points made throughout the work are supported by relevant literature and/or No or limited use of literature to support the discussion and/or Makes no ref erence to the Case Study or inappropriate/ incorrect example is used.

FAIL Essay f ails to show adequate understanding of the normative psychosocial aspects (2) of development f or age-group (0-6 months or 2-5 years) and/or Does not draw on the work of a theorist, and/or application of theoretical material is inappropriate where used and/or Less than half the points made throughout the work are supported by relevant literature and/or No or limited use of literature to support the


Essay conveys consistent evidence of synthesis in discussion of inf luences on psychosocial development f or age-group 0-6months or 2-5 years. Draws on the work

DISTINCTION Essay conveys consistent evidence of critical analysis in discussion of inf luences on (7.50) psychosocial development f or age-group 0-6 months or 2-5 years. Draws on the work of a theorist, and application is clearly relevant to the discussion.<br />Very good justif ication is provided explaining how understanding the topic contributes to nursing and/or midwif ery practice. All signif icant points in the discussion are f ully supported by relevant literature.<br />

DISTINCTION Essay conveys consistent evidence of critical analysis in discussion of inf luences on (7.50) psychosocial development f or age-group 0-6 months or 2-5 years. Draws on the work of a theorist, and application is clearly relevant to the discussion.<br />Very good justif ication is provided explaining how understanding the topic contributes to nursing and/or midwif ery practice. All signif icant points in the discussion are f ully

PASS Essay conveys a descriptive account of inf luences on psychosocial development f or (6) age-group 0-6 months or 2-5 years. Draws on the work of a theorist, but application is not always linked and/or relevant to the discussion. Satisf actory explanation<br />provided addressing how understanding the topic contributes to nursing and/or midwif ery practice. Several points in the discussion are supported by relevant literature, however other points are unsupported.<br /><br />

PASS Essay conveys a descriptive account of inf luences on psychosocial development f or (5.50) age-group 0-6 months or 2-5 years. Draws on the work of a theorist, but application is not always linked and/or relevant to the discussion. Satisf actory explanation<br />provided addressing how understanding the topic contributes to nursing and/or midwif ery practice. Several points in the discussion are supported by relevant literature, however other points are unsupported.

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