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polygonal metalon

Polygonal metalon

fileFormatVersion: 2 guid: fc2d3265555e92f43bc57284e1444438 ModelImporter: serializedVersion: 22 fileIDToRecycleName: 100000: Dummy Turn 100002: Polygonal Metalon 100004: //RootNode 100006: Rig 100008: RigHead 100010: RigHeadGizmo 100012: RigJaw 100014: RigJawGizmo 100016: RigLLeg011 100018: RigLLeg012 100020: RigLLeg013 100022: RigLLeg01Platform 100024: RigLLeg021 100026: RigLLeg022 100028: RigLLeg023 100030: RigLLeg02Platform 100032: RigLLeg031 100034: RigLLeg032 100036: RigLLeg033 100038: RigLLeg03Platform 100040: RigNeck 100042: RigPelvis 100044: RigPelvisGizmo 100046: RigRibcage 100048: RigRibcageGizmo 100050: RigRLeg011 100052: RigRLeg012 100054: RigRLeg013 100056: RigRLeg01Platform 100058: RigRLeg021 100060: RigRLeg022 100062: RigRLeg023 100064: RigRLeg02Platform 100066: RigRLeg031 100068: RigRLeg032 100070: RigRLeg033 100072: RigRLeg03Platform 100074: RigSpine 100076: RigTail1 100078: RigTail1Gizmo 100080: RigTail2 100082: RigTail2Gizmo 100084: RigTail3 100086: RigTail3Gizmo 100088: RigTail4 100090: RigTail4Gizmo 100092: RigTail5 100094: RigTail5Gizmo 400000: Dummy Turn 400002: Polygonal Metalon 400004: //RootNode 400006: Rig 400008: RigHead 400010: RigHeadGizmo 400012: RigJaw 400014: RigJawGizmo 400016: RigLLeg011 400018: RigLLeg012 400020: RigLLeg013 400022: RigLLeg01Platform 400024: RigLLeg021 400026: RigLLeg022 400028: RigLLeg023 400030: RigLLeg02Platform 400032: RigLLeg031 400034: RigLLeg032 400036: RigLLeg033 400038: RigLLeg03Platform 400040: RigNeck 400042: RigPelvis 400044: RigPelvisGizmo 400046: RigRibcage 400048: RigRibcageGizmo 400050: RigRLeg011 400052: RigRLeg012 400054: RigRLeg013 400056: RigRLeg01Platform 400058: RigRLeg021 400060: RigRLeg022 400062: RigRLeg023 400064: RigRLeg02Platform 400066: RigRLeg031 400068: RigRLeg032 400070: RigRLeg033 400072: RigRLeg03Platform 400074: RigSpine 400076: RigTail1 400078: RigTail1Gizmo 400080: RigTail2 400082: RigTail2Gizmo 400084: RigTail3 400086: RigTail3Gizmo 400088: RigTail4 400090: RigTail4Gizmo 400092: RigTail5 400094: RigTail5Gizmo 2100000: ‘Material #2’ 4300000: Polygonal Metalon 7400000: Take 001 9500000: //RootNode 13700000: Polygonal Metalon externalObjects: {} materials: importMaterials: 0 materialName: 0 materialSearch: 1 materialLocation: 1 animations: legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 bakeSimulation: 0 resampleCurves: 1 optimizeGameObjects: 0 motionNodeName: rigImportErrors: rigImportWarnings: animationImportErrors: animationImportWarnings: animationRetargetingWarnings: animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 importConstraints: 0 animationCompression: 1 animationRotationError: 0.5 animationPositionError: 0.5 animationScaleError: 0.5 animationWrapMode: 0 extraExposedTransformPaths: [] extraUserProperties: [] clipAnimations: [] isReadable: 1 meshes: lODScreenPercentages: [] globalScale: 1 meshCompression: 0 addColliders: 0 importVisibility: 1 importBlendShapes: 1 importCameras: 1 importLights: 1 swapUVChannels: 0 generateSecondaryUV: 0 useFileUnits: 1 optimizeMeshForGPU: 1 keepQuads: 0 weldVertices: 1 preserveHierarchy: 0 indexFormat: 0 secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 useFileScale: 1 tangentSpace: normalSmoothAngle: 60 normalImportMode: 0 tangentImportMode: 3 normalCalculationMode: 4 importAnimation: 1 copyAvatar: 0 humanDescription: serializedVersion: 2 human: [] skeleton: [] armTwist: 0.5 foreArmTwist: 0.5 upperLegTwist: 0.5 legTwist: 0.5 armStretch: 0.05 legStretch: 0.05 feetSpacing: 0 rootMotionBoneName: rootMotionBoneRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} hasTranslationDoF: 0 hasExtraRoot: 0 skeletonHasParents: 1 lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {instanceID: 0} animationType: 2 humanoidOversampling: 1 additionalBone: 0 userData: assetBundleName: assetBundleVariant:

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Uploaded by : samiyasabra

PageId: DOC04F6E32