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padapter enumerate all display modes for this adap

Padapter- enumerate all display modes for this adapter failed hret enumeratedisplaymodes padapter

the hierarchy, the Validation functions are called. These functions provide the application an opportunity to accept or reject a given set of capabilities.

HRESULT CD3DInitialize::Enumerate( LPDIRECT3D9 pD3D ) {

// Store the D3D Object
m_pD3D = pD3D;
if ( !m_pD3D ) return E_FAIL;



HRESULT CD3DInitialize::EnumerateAdapters()

// Enumerate all display modes for this adapter
if ( FAILED( hRet = EnumerateDisplayModes( pAdapter ) ) || FAILED( hRet = EnumerateDevices( pAdapter ) ))
delete pAdapter;
if ( hRet == E_ABORT ) continue; else return hRet;

} // End if Failed Code

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Uploaded by : Cheryl Campbell

PageId: ELI610740E