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ohs uses the module mod log each request the acces

Ohs uses the module mod log each request the access file

128 Oracle Application Server 10g Administration Handbook

is used to determine which file to serve that browser if there are a number of files to select from. Taking another section from the httpd.conf file:

AddLanguage en .en
AddLanguage pl .pl
AddLanguage pl .po
AddLanguage kr .en

If more than one mapping is present for a single extension, the last occurrence is used. The final step in defining language support is to provide a priority list, so that if two files tie, OHS will know which to use.

This nested block directive establishes a priority list in descending order to be used by the module mod_negotiation to break a tie. Note that it is a language list, not an extensions list.

The final directive dealing with file types is the location of the magic file. This file is used by the module mod_mime_magic and is normally located in the ServerRoot/conf directory. This module will look into an unknown file and use the definitions in the magic file to try and determine the file type.

You can have OHS log the host name instead of the IP address, but that is not recommended since OHS must hit the DNS to resolve the IP address. The default is HostnameLookups Off, which logs the IP address instead of the host name. The ErrorLog directive establishes where the error log is located, and the LogLevel determines how much information is logged. The levels of logging in descending order of verbosity are as follows:



emerg Emergencies—system is unusable
alert Action must be taken immediately

“socket: Failed to get a socket, exiting child”


Error conditions

notice Normal but significant condition


“Server seems busy”


The first step is to define one or more LogFormats. The LogFormat directive can take one or two arguments. If there is only one argument (the formatting variables), it will be used in all subsequent TransferLog directives. If there are two arguments (the formatting variables and an alias), subsequent TransferLog and CustomLog directives can use the alias to define the format to use.

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