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mixing static and dynamic data

Mixing static and dynamic data



immediate mode, 23

rendering modes, 460-461

max function, 551


MDA (Monochrome Display Adapter), 177

Monochrome Display Adapter (MDA), 177

3D OpenGL website, 775

MOONS program

message programming, 660

motion blur


MOTIONBLUR program, 245-247


MouseCallback function, 461

mini-drivers, 643-644

glMultMatrix function, 1020-1021

minification filters, 318

multisampling, 238-240

minmax parameters, returning, 951

managing multiple textures, 331-338

resetting, 1063-1064

overview, 362-363

objects), 613


mip levels, 328-329

initializing, 983

mirrored surface effect, creating, 360-361


modeling transformations, 129-130

query names, generating, 901

scaling, 139

functions, 45-46

modelview transformations, 129, 132

non-power-of-two extended support, 750

fog modes, 242

non-uniform rational B-splines. See NURBS occlusion queries 1185
nonconvex polygons, 114-116
nonrational numbers, 81
normal averaging, 211-213

GLUQuadricObj. See quadrics

normal vectors

labeling for feedback, 473-475

setting, 1024-1025

functions, 602-603, 608

specifying, 198-200

program objects

converting surface normals to, 201

deleting, 530

normalization, 201
normalize function, 551
normals, arrays of, 1025-1026

validating, 531-532

NSOpenGL, 686

query objects


shader objects

NURB program, 405-408

compiling, 529-530

NURBS (non-uniform rational B-spline)

shader text, 528-529

defining, 404-406

binding, 330

properties, 404

overview, 330

NV_prefix, 71

resident textures, 338

NVIDIA’s developer home page, 774
object linear mapping, 354

creating, 450

initializing arrays, 452-453


overview, 450

creating, 609-610

occluders, 482-483

environment map generation sample

occlusion queries

mipmap generation, 613

bounding volumes, 485

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