Financial wellness assess your financial management
Wellnes Wheel Self-Assessment Assignment Answers
Self-Assessment- Study the wheel and the information about each component then assign a number from 1 (lowest)-10 (highest) for each section of the wheel based on your satisfaction with your "wellness" in each area. For instance, if you spend a great deal of time developing the intellectual side of yourself, rank that section with a 9 or 10. If you seldom exercise or eat well, mark the physical section with a lower number. A balanced approach to life yields greater benefits in stress management and physical well-being.
Wellnes Wheel Self-Assessment Answer and Explanation
- How well do you sleep?
2. Emotional Wellness: Consider your ability to manage stress, express emotions, and maintain a positive outlook.
- How often do you engage in mentally stimulating activities?
- Do you pursue learning opportunities?
- Are you satisfied with your level of social interaction?
5. Spiritual Wellness: Reflect on your sense of purpose, values, and connection to something greater.
- Are you satisfied with your job or academic pursuits?
- Do you feel balanced between work and personal life?
- Are you planning effectively for your financial future?
8. Environmental Wellness: Reflect on your living environment, work environment, and connection to nature.
1. Reflect on each component: Take some time to think about each area of wellness and your satisfaction with it.
2. Rate each section: Assign a number from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) based on your satisfaction.
Here's an example of how you might rate your wellness:
- Physical Wellness: 6 (I exercise occasionally but could improve my diet and sleep habits)
- Occupational Wellness: 8 (I am satisfied with my job but need better work-life balance)
- Financial Wellness: 7 (I manage my finances well but need to plan more for the future)