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etc pays diligent about discovering and capturing

Etc pays diligent about discovering and capturing domain entities

Nodes for Things, Relationships for Structure

Though not applicable in every situation, these general guidelines will help us choose when to use nodes, and when to use relationships:

• Use relationship properties to express the strength, weight, or quality of a rela‐tionship, plus any necessary relationship metadata, such as timestamps, version numbers, etc.

It pays to be diligent about discovering and capturing domain entities. As we saw in Chapter 3, it’s relatively easy to model things that really ought to be represented as nodes using carelessly named relationships instead. If we’re tempted to use a relation‐ship to model an entity—an email, or a review, for example—we must make certain that this entity cannot be related to more than two other entities. Remember, a rela‐tionship must have a start node and an end node—nothing more, nothing less. If we find later that we need to connect something we’ve modeled as a relationship to more than two other entities, we’ll have to refactor the entity inside the relationship out into a separate node. This is a breaking change to the data model, and will likely require us to make changes to any queries and application code that produce or con‐sume the data.

Data Modeling | 67

Sometimes, however, we have a closed set of relationships, but in some traversals we want to follow specific kinds of relationships within that set, whereas in others we want to follow all of them, irrespective of type. Addresses are a good example. Follow‐ing the closed-set principle, we might choose to create HOME_ADDRESS, WORK_ADDRESS, and DELIVERY_ADDRESS relationships. This allows us to follow specific kinds of address relationships (DELIVERY_ADDRESS, for example) while ignoring all the rest. But what do we do if we want to find all addresses for a user? There are a couple of options here. First, we can encode knowledge of all the different relationship types in our queries: e.g., MATCH (user)-[:HOME_ADDRESS|WORK_ADDRESS|

DELIVERY_ADDRESS]->(address). This, however, quickly becomes unwieldy when there are lots of different kinds of relationships. Alternatively, we can add a more generic ADDRESS relationship to our model, in addition to the fine-grained relation‐ships. Every node representing an address is then connected to a user using two rela‐tionships: a fined-grained relationship (e.g., DELIVERY_ADDRESS) and the more generic ADDRESS {type:'delivery'} relationship.


Figure 4-2 shows how the fact of Ian being employed by Neo Technology in the role of engineer can be represented in the graph.

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