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conduct research and complete the following table

Conduct research and complete the following table

Project assessment

CHC30221 | Certificate III in School Based Education Support CHC40221 | Certificate IV in School-Based Education Support

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Student number

Note: If you are an online student, you will be required to complete this declaration on the TAFE NSW online learning platform when you upload your assessment.

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August 2023

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Resource ID: APT_21_003_CHCEDS059_AE_Pro2of3

Version: 20221213

The contents in this document is copyright © TAFE NSW 2022 and should not be reproduced without the permission of TAFE NSW. Information contained in this document is correct at the time of printing: 2 September 2023. For current information please refer to our website or your Teacher/Assessor as appropriate.

Document title: CHCEDS059_AE_Pro2of3
Resource ID: APT_21_003_CHCEDS059_AE_Pro2of3

Assessment instructions
Table 1 Assessment instructions

Assessment event number

2 of 3

 Part 1 Research and short answer questions

 Part 2 Scenarios and short answer questions

And is supported by:

 Part 7 Assessment checklist

Submission instructions

It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy assessments submitted to TAFE and complete the assessment declaration when submitting the assessment.

What do I need to do to achieve a satisfactory result?

Document title: CHCEDS059_AE_Pro2of3

Resource ID: APT_21_003_CHCEDS059_AE_Pro2of3

The objective of this assessment is to assess your knowledge and performance in implementing work health and safety policies and procedures to support the health, safety and wellbeing of students in an educational environment.

Assessment event number

Access to this assessment and learning resources, including the student workbook and any supporting documents or links.

(long URL:

In accordance with the TAFE NSW policy Manage Assessment Appeals, all students have the right to appeal an assessment decision in relation to how the assessment was conducted and the outcome of the
assessment. Appeals must be lodged within 14 working days of the formal notification of the result of the assessment.

If you would like to request a review of your results or if you have any concerns about your results, contact your Teacher/Assessor or Head Teacher. If they are unavailable, contact the Student Administration Officer.

Document title: CHCEDS059_AE_Pro2of3
Resource ID: APT_21_003_CHCEDS059_AE_Pro2of3

Aboriginal Student Support Services (Email -)

(Long URL -

(Long URL -


Part 1: Research and short answer questions

For each topic, the student must refer to the resources provided and read each question carefully. The student will need to ensure they take note of the volume of response requirement where indicated.

a. According to this legislation, what is meant by the phrase “duty of care”?

Answer: After carefully reading through the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and according to this legislation, I was able to ascertain what is meant by the phrase “Duty of Care”. Duty of Care refers to a legal obligation to take reasonable care to minimise the risk of foreseeable harm (physical and psychological) to yourself and others.

(Long URL:


Date accessed: 30/07/2023

Document title: CHCEDS059_AE_Pro2of3
Resource ID: APT_21_003_CHCEDS059_AE_Pro2of3

-Consider and take reasonable care of the physical and psychological safety of yourself, students, colleagues, and the community in all activities undertaken in the course of your employment

-Take reasonable care to ensure your workplace is safe and secure for everyone

Duty of care also extends to protecting students from self-harm while in school and reporting on incidents out of school.

All employees sharing the departments responsibility and commitment to the safety, health and wellbeing of themselves and others in their workplace and everyone must comply with relevant legislation.

Answer: After referring to the NSW Department of Education’s Code of Conduct Policy, I am now able to describe my
obligations as an employee in relation to protecting students and staff from discrimination. I have shown the document I have accessed and the date I accessed the document.

Document accessed: NSW Department of Education -Code of Conduct

As a department employee, you must:

-Treat students, colleagues, and members of the public with respect

Document title: CHCEDS059_AE_Pro2of3

Resource ID: APT_21_003_CHCEDS059_AE_Pro2of3

1.4 What are the obligations of a School Learning Support Officer, regarding child protection reporting, if following this Code of Conduct? (40-50 words)

Document title: CHCEDS059_AE_Pro2of3
Resource ID: APT_21_003_CHCEDS059_AE_Pro2of3

requirements of employees, including School Learning Support Officers, regarding the taking of

photographs and recordings on personal phones. (40-50 words).


Identify four ways you could contribute to infection control when working in a classroom. (10-

20 words).

Establish hand washing routines for your classroom

-Remind students to clean their hands before lunch and recess times and as they return to the classroom

-Do not share personal items such as drink bottles and food and discourage the sharing of food items among students.

-Encourage students not to share personal items through regularly reminders and hygiene-based learning activities.


Disinfecting kills germs on surfaces or objects. Disinfecting works by using chemicals to kill germs on surfaces or objects. This process does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs, but by killing germs on a surface after cleaning, it can further lower the risk of spreading infection.

Sanitizing lowers the number of germs on surfaces or objects to a safe level, as judged by public health standards or

1.8 After cleaning the classroom items, as above, what preventative action could you take to avoid

Answer: As a Student Learning Support Officer (SLSO), and after cleaning all the classroom items, as listed above, I believe I would partake in the following preventative
actions/requirements, to effectively avoid an emergency
poisoning incident. These preventative action steps include, but are not limited to;

Put all chemicals away immediately after use

Topic 2 Hazards in the school environment


A moving forklift

Document title: CHCEDS059_AE_Pro2of3

Working at heights

A repetitive job


Answer: A risk assessment is a systematic process of evaluating the potential risks that may be involved in an activity, especially in terms of workplace health and safety. There are generally three major questions which are asked when conducting a risk assessment:

What hazards exist that may cause harm?

Resource ID: APT_21_003_CHCEDS059_AE_Pro2of3

2.3 Safework NSW lists the top causes of injury in the education environment which are identified in the table below. For each cause of injury, identify one preventative measure to avoid injury in the table below. (25-35 words)

Table 2 Cause of injuries and preventative measures

Causes of Injury Preventative Measure to avoid Injury

Utilising a buddy system when moving heavy or bulky objects

Utilising your correct techniques for lifting and moving heavy or bulky objects in line

 Taking regular breaks when completing long and repetitive tasks

 Taking shorter breaks rather than taking one longer break

Causes of Injury Preventative Measure to avoid Injury

Reporting all trip hazards associated to

damaged floors

Aggressive and
unpredictable behaviours of others

Answer: As a Student Learning Support Officer there are a variety of preventative measures you can utilise to avoid injuries occurring from
aggressive and unpredictable behaviours of
others. These preventative measures include but are not limited to;

students/staff members

 Clear the space from viewing bystanders

Table 3 Features of stress

Stress in the workplace Response (provide three for each section)

Physical symptoms of stress

As a Student Learning Support Officer (SLSO), there

are a variety of physical symptoms of stress that

 A rise in blood pressure/heart rate

 Insomnia

(SLSO), there are a variety of non-physical

symptoms of stress that may occur in the

 Depression

 Racing Thoughts

perceives that the demands of their work or

workplace environment exceed their ability or

 Workload

 Work environment

Strategies to mitigate

Document title: CHCEDS059_AE_Pro2of3

Resource ID: APT_21_003_CHCEDS059_AE_Pro2of3

Stress in the workplace Response (provide three for each section)
the impacts of
workplace stress on an individual

Eating a healthy and balanced diet
Taking the time to complete tasks required of you
Taking short breaks
Talking to a co-worker/ supervisor

Strategies to prevent workplace stress


Document title: CHCEDS059_AE_Pro2of3

2.5 Choose one infectious disease to study in-depth. Conduct research and complete the following table. (130-150 words total)
Table 4 Research task: Infectious disease

What is the cause of the illness?

Answer: Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, occurs when the conjunctiva (the white part of the eyeball and the inner eye lid) is irritated by an infection or allergies.

If you have viral conjunctivitis, one or both eyes might be affected, and the discharge is likely to be clear.

If you have allergic conjunctivitis, both eyes are usually affected with a clear discharge, and you might also have hay-fever symptoms, such as an itchy nose, watery eyes and sneezing.

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