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can use multiagent epistemic logic recently introd

Can use multi-agent epistemic logic recently introduced boldrin and saffiotti


Now let us suppose that agent 1 believes, with strength 0.4, that “either edge

or but not both, is present in the optimal tour”. We will represent this as We will not enter into the discussion of how that agent reached that belief and we take it as a fact. Now let us suppose that another agent be­lieves, at a level 0.7 that then we write This is curious, since this kind of assumption confuses our common sense. In gen­eral we do not see any relationship between the fact that two edges cross and that we can deduce that as a consequence one of them should be present in the optimum tour. We can take this as a fact, as if a “co-evolving” algorithm, is generating these predicates to guide the search. However, note that agent 3 believes in this relationship (at a 0.7 level) for a particular pair of edges and

The distributed belief about proposition is then stronger than any individual belief about it, and is even stronger than what you would get if any agent would believe the three facts. We offer now two examples on its application.


The three inference rules are :

(MP) Modus Ponens from and deduce

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