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assignment help answers with stepbystep explanatio

Matching Principle Assignment Answers

Your question:

solve these 3 mcqs
MCQ 1: IAS 23 refers to borrowing cost
(A) charged to income statement
(B) could be charged to an asset
(C) interest expense
(D) none of the above

MCQ 2: under IAS 40 investment made in property
(A) kept in book value
(B) Revalued in case market value is higher
(C) revised downward if fair market value falls below book value
(D) none of the above

Assignment Help Answers with Step-by-Step Explanation:

MCQ 2: under IAS 40 investment made in property

Correct answer: (B) Revalued in case market value is higher

2. (B) Revalued in case market value is higher

3. (C) Accruals

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