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and renewal harvard business school press

And renewal harvard business school press


Torment your customers (they'll love it).; By: Brown, Stephen., …………….…..…47 Should Strategy Makers Become Dream Weavers?; By: Stopford, John.…….……..53 Is Something Rotten In Segmentation?; By: Gibson, Lawrence ……………………58


Upon completion of the course you should be able:
•to appreciate market strategies as well the processes underlying the development of marketing strategies
•to identify, analyse and put together what is needed to develop sound strategies •to make and implement sound marketing decisions in a dynamic environment

The textbook for this course is:

The simulation will be played by groups of 5 to 6 students. Please make sure you have a group by week 2.

Each group will have to prepare and submit two written reports and to make a presentation. The reports include: (1) a 4 to 6 pages memo to an imaginary brand manager that succeeds you in the game and (2) a "learning outcome brief" which highlights what you have learned from the exercise (1-2 pages). Submission deadline for the reports is week 9; one day before the first set of presentations

Session 1

▪ evolution of marketing thought
▪ the new marketing environment
▪ the necessity for new approach
▪ competitive rationality theory

Marketing 202: What the Gurus are telling us today.; By: Billington, Jim., Harvard Management Update, Jan99, Vol. 4 Issue 1, p8, 2p, available online at Business Source Premier

Marketing Management in Changing Times.; By: Webster, Frederick E.., Marketing Management, Jan/Feb2002, Vol. 11 Issue 1, p18, 6p, available online at Business Source Premier


▪ what is strategy and what planning
▪ how strategies are developed
▪ what is wrong with traditional strategic planning

Essential Reading

The Future of Strategy: Historic Prologue.; By: Oliver, Richard W.., Journal of Business Strategy, Jul/Aug2002, Vol. 23 Issue 4, p6, 4p, , available online at Business Source Premier

The pitfalls of strategic planning.; By: Mintzberg, Henry., California Management Review, Fall93, Vol. 36 Issue 1, p32, 16p; , available online at Business Source Premier

Strategy under uncertainty.; By: Courtney, Hugh; Kirkland, Jane., Harvard Business Review, Nov/Dec97, Vol. 75 Issue 6, p67, 14p, available online at Business Source Premier

Planned activities

▪ marketing decision making
▪ how marketing strategy is integrated to the business strategy ▪ who and how should develop marketing strategies


Strategic Marketing Planning for Radically New Products.; By: Cooper, Lee G.., Journal of Marketing, Jan2000, Vol. 64 Issue 1, p1, 16p; available online at Business Source Premier

Strategic Marketing Planning: Theory, Practice and Research Agendas.; By: McDonald, Malcolm., Journal of Marketing Management, Jan-Apr96, Vol. 12 Issue 1-3, p5, 23p; available online at Business Source Premier

What You Don't Know About Making Decisions.; By: Garvin, David A.; Roberto, Michael A.., Harvard Business Review, Sep2001, Vol. 79 Issue 8, p108, 9p; available online at Business Source Premier

Planned activities
Prepare question 10 of chapter 2

D’Aveni, Richard A. (1994), Hypercompetition: Managing the Dynamics of Strategic Maneuvering, Free Press

Oster S. (1994), Modern Competitive Analysis, Oxford, 2nd edition

It's the third millennium: Do you know where your competitor is?; By: Nolan III, John A.., Journal of Business Strategy, Nov/Dec99, Vol. 20 Issue 6, p11, 5p; available online at Business Source Premier

Managing Competitive Interactions. ; By: Clark, Bruce H.., Marketing Management, Fall/Winter98, Vol. 7 Issue 4, p8, 13p,available online at Business Source Premier

ANALYSING COMPETITION (continued) AND CHANNELS ▪ Trends in marketing channels
▪ analysing channels and channel relationships
▪ The role of the Internet
▪ auditing main marketing channels

Essential Reading
Dickson chapters 7

Rethinking distribution: Adaptive channels.; By: Narus, James A.; Anderson, James C.., Harvard Business Review, Jul/Aug96, Vol. 74 Issue 4, p112; available online at Business Source Premier

Contextual Marketing.; By: Kenny, David; Marshall, John F.., Harvard Business Review, Nov/Dec2000, Vol. 78 Issue 6, p119, 7p, available online at Business Source Premier

Session 6

▪ segmenting and analysing the market - an integrated process

Planned activities
Prepare question 14 of chapter 5 and if time allows

Discussion:Is Something Rotten In Segmentation?; By: Gibson, Lawrence D.., Marketing Research, Spring2001, Vol. 13 Issue 1, p20, 6p

Additional reading (optional)

Turning Marketing Research High-Tech.; By: Sultan, Fareena; Barczak, Gloria., Marketing Management, Winter99, Vol. 8 Issue 4, p24, 7p, available online at Business Source Premier

Planned activities
Prepare questions 4 and 5 of chapter 3


Managing Brands for the Long Run: Brand Reinforcement and Revitalization Strategies.; By: Keller, Kevin Lane., California Management Review, Spring99, Vol.

41 Issue 3, p102, 23p available online at Business Source Premier

Got Emotional Product Positioning?; By: Mahajan, Vijay; Wind, Yoram (Jerry)., Marketing Management, May/Jun2002, Vol. 11 Issue 3, p36, 6p, available online at Business Source Premier

Discovering new points of differentiation.; By: MacMillan, Ian C.; McGrath, Rita Gunther., Harvard Business Review, Jul/Aug97, Vol. 75 Issue 4, p133 available online at Business Source Premier

Market Segmentation, Product Differentiation, and Marketing Strategy. By: Dickson, Peter R.; Ginter, James L.., Journal of Marketing, Apr87, Vol. 51 Issue 2 available online at Business Source Premier

Planned activities
Prepare questions, 8 14 and 23 of chapter 9

Session 10


Learning objectives

Class arrangements -Rules of Engagement
Each team will receive the PharmaSim and manual software and will be responsible for "Allround", an OTC (over-the-counter) cold medicine. You will be responsible for managing the brand for ten periods (period 0 to Period 9) (each period is an entire year).

Each one of you will work as a member of a team of 5-6 students

The decisions you have to make vary from level to level are highlighted in the case's manual. They include: a manufacturer's suggested retail price and the level of any volume discounts as well as the discounts you give to wholesalers; an advertising budget, selected advertising agency, and the relative emphasis on four types of ad messages; a promotions budget with allocations to co-operative advertising and three types of consumer promotions; and the sales force, including how many sales people allocated to five different types of retail stores as well as to wholesale and indirect support functions.

Budget constraints
Your total budget across advertising, promotions, and sales will be constrained by a total available budget. (This annual budget may change in subsequent years, and any unspent budget will be added to profits). For each of these decisions, including the ones about price, indicate your reasons based on your analysis of the current strengths and weaknesses of Allstar and its brand Allaround, the case, and your overall strategy.

In your memo you should also include as appendix:
•The reports justifying your decision for EACH period (it can be hand-written) •print outs of the "Administrator's Report" (FILE) for EACH period and •the floppy disk with all of your decisions (backup files). This disk will be used to evaluate your performance and decisions. Original disk (clearly


Each group will have up to 15 minutes (timed) to give an oral presentation of their experience, in weeks 9 and 10, respectively.

Your mark will be based on the following:
•the cumulative ten year financial results;
• the cumulative financial results of the last four years

Week 10 Presentations for the second set of groups

Manual for the simulation
James, Stuart W., Thomas C. Kinnear and Michael Deighan (2001), PharmaSim: A Brand Management Simulation. Charlottesville VA: Interpretive Software, Inc.


Introduction to

• development of new concepts and issues (e.g., product differentiation, and issues in
advertising, pricing and distribution)

• To trace the evolution of marketing thinking• to understand the changing role of
marketing in the current environments
• to introduce a new a approach of marketing thinking

• emphasis on long-range planning


IV The proactive years (1983-today)

The Strategic Thinking
• critical thinking

• misplaced overemphasis on market share as the main strategic objective

• focus on the creation of opportunities by being proactive and innovative at every decision-making level

•the synergy concept

•The product life cycle concept

Firms should emphasise different marketing strategies and tactics at different stages.

Firms need to outdo their competitors in satisfying customers

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• Marketing s changes its focus from equilibrium management (why and how markets settle down) to dissequilibrum management (why and how markets are constantly changing through the development of competitive products and production

How and why is the market changing?

• advantages do not last
• new market segments are created• distribution innovations are very important
• hypercompetitive markets feed themselves
• price wars are common

The Macro and Micro Theories of Competitive Rationality


The economic
process changes
the economic
structure. The
economic structure changes the social structure.

The variation in the supply offering is
constantly changing

Supply will shift to serve the demand of the most profitable market segments

Sellers who
possess an
insatiable self-
improvement drive are more

• The process cost reduction



The economic
process changes
the economic
structure. The
economic structure changes the social structure.

The variation in
consumer demand is
constantly changing

Markets are
always in

Sellers who can
implement their
innovations and
imitations faster are more competitive.

Sellers are driven by competition to
experiment with new, innovative ways of
serving customers

Sellers who
possess an
insatiable self-
improvement drive are more

Strategic marketing Strategic


� What is planning?

� Why organisations plan?

� Is there a better way to form strategies?


�organisations must plan to be “rational”

�organisations must plan to control

�a plan




Egg McMufflin

McDuckling à l’ Orange


The main schools of thought

on strategy formation

•Cognitive Mental

•Entrepreneurial Visionary

•Configurational Episodic

The main premises of the Planning School - premise1

Creation of




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