
COM4808 Marketing Communication Advertising and Public Relations


Welcome to the COM4808 module of the honours course. We hope that you will find marketing communication, public relations and advertising interesting and stimulating. We look forward to meeting you and receiving your assignments.

This module deals with marketing communication, public relations and advertising. It covers the most important theoretical departures of these three areas of organisational communication.

The subsequent sections of this tutorial letter offer an outline of the contents of the COM4808 module and detail the choice of assignments and the requirements for admission to the examination.

A list of study material is provided in section 4 (module-related resources) of this tutorial letter. Please note that there are no prescribed books for this module. All the study material is listed under e-reserves or as recommended or additional sources. You may also use your own academic sources, but these sources need to be related to the assignment topic.

You should read as widely as possible on each assignment topic, because your discussion must be logically integrated. The insight which is required to answer the assignments successfully is possible only with a full understanding of the topics. If you use the diverse study material which we have listed, you will be able to fully understand these topics. It will also help you to fully understand these topics if you access additional literature from the library whenever possible. The answers to the problems dealt with in the assignments cannot be derived directly from the study material. Your active interpretation and integration of the content in the study material is essential for successful completion of the assignments.


2.1 Purpose

The purpose of this module is to give students advanced knowledge and skills in the field of marketing communication, public relations, advertising and web-based communication from an integrated perspective. This module furthermore provides students with the opportunity to apply, in a practical setting, the theoretical information they have gained.

2.2 Outcomes

After successfully completing this module, students will have:

  • a theoretical knowledge of the nature of marketing communication, public relations, advertising and web-based
  • critical attitudes and the skills to analyse these
  • an understanding of the various concepts associated with these
  • the ability to apply advanced theoretical knowledge through different campaigns and to complete assignments based on their independent integration of knowledge relating to these

Assignment 01


Unique assignment number: 745048

Integrated marketing communication (IMC) has evolved over the years from using mainly planned, traditional marketing communication mix elements to also using other means of communication between consumers and organisations. This includes, among others, sharing relevant brand stories in social media to direct readership to the organisation's website or blog where the consumer can participate in the brand message. In this way, valuable feedback is obtained to improve on the organisation’s various products and services which are at the core of a consumer-centric approach. In addition, introducing new technologies such as social media has also played an important role in adapting IMC practices to also integrate the consumers' interactions into strategies. Consumers are now considered the lifeblood of any organisation and, as a result, marketers base their decisions on meeting consumers' expectations and requirements to conform to specifications and standards for their various products and/or services. By considering the above statement, discuss how consumer feedback could be generated and used by adopting a consumer-centric IMC approach. See the assignment requirements below.

Learning objectives

At the end of Assignment 01 you should be able to:

  • comprehend the consumer-centric concept.
  • recognise integrated marketing communication (IMC) within a consumer-centric approach.
  • comprehend why and how feedback could be used within various elements of the marketing communication mix by both the organisation and consumer to the benefit of IMC within a consumer-centric approach.
  • comprehend that organisations have become publishers of brand stories.
  • explain how electronic word of mouth (eWOM) can play a role in enhancing brand stories in social media for more feedback opportunities.

Recommended study material


Barker, MS (ed). 2013. Social media marketing: a strategic approach. Mason, OH: South- Western Cengage Learning.

Belch, GE & Belch, MA. 2012. Advertising and promotion: an integrated marketing communications perspective. 9th edition. Boston, MA: Irwin/McGraw-Hill. (You may also use an earlier edition.)

Clow, KE Baack, D. 2012. Integrated advertising, promotion and marketing communications. 5th edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Clow, KE & Baack, D. 2014. Integrated advertising, promotion and marketing. 6th edition. Global edition Boston

Dahlen, M, Lange, F & Smith, T. 2010. Marketing communications: a brand narrative approach, Wiley Publishers: West Sussex, UK: Wiley Publishers.

Du Plessis, F, Bothma, N, Van Heerden, N & Jordaan, Y. 2005. Integrated marketing communication. Claremont, Cape Town: New Africa Books. (You may also use the later edition.)

Du Toit, M. 2013. Fundamentals of branding. Cape Town: Juta.

Koekemoer, L. 2014. Marketing Communication: An integrated approach. Cape Town: Juta

Nelson-Field, K. 2013. Viral marketing: the science of sharing. South Melbourne, Vic: Oxford University Press.

Signorelli, J. 2012. Storybranding: creating stand-out brands: through the power of story. Austin: Greenleaf Book Group.

Electronic reserves (e-reserves)

Åke F & Grönroos, C. 2009. Rethinking marketing communication: From integrated marketing communication to relationship communication. Journal of Marketing Communications 15(2– 3):179–195.

Cruz, D & Fill, C. 2008. Evaluating viral marketing: isolating the key criteria. Marketing intelligence & planning 26(7):743–758.

Du Plessis, TC. 2010. Theoretical guidelines for social media marketing communication.

Communicare: Journal for Communication Sciences in Southern Africa 29(1):1–20.

Du Plessis, C. 2015. Brand storytelling: The case of the Coca Cola Journey website.

Communitas: Journal for Community Communication December (1). 84–103.

Ferguson, R. 2008. Word of mouth and viral marketing: taking the temperature of the hottest trends in marketing. Journal of Consumer Marketing 25(3):179–182.

Ho, YIC & Dempsey, M. 2010. Viral marketing: Motivations to forward online content. Journal of Business Research 63:1000–1006.

Khan, A & Khan, R. 2012. Embracing new media in Fiji: the way forward for social network marketing and communication strategies. Strategic Direction 28(4):3–5.

Layton, RA. 2011. Marketing: is management all that there is? Journal of Historical Research in Marketing 3(2):194–213.

Lagrossen, SO & Grunden, K. 2014. Social media marketing in the wellness industry.  The  TQM Journal 26(3):253–260.

Martin, WC & Lueg, JE. 2013. Modelling word-of-mouth usage. Journal of Business Research


Patino, A & Pitta, DA. 2012. Social media's emerging importance in market research. Journal of Consumer Marketing 29(3):233–237.

Pulizzi, J. 2012. The rise of storytelling as the new marketing. Publishing Research Quarterly


Woodside, AG, Sood, S & Miller, KE. 2008. When consumers and brands talk: storytelling theory and research in psychology and marketing. Psychology & Marketing 25(2):97–145.

Additional sources

Na. 2006. The importance of marketing strategy. Gaining the competitive edge with integrated marketing communications (IMC). Strategic Direction 22(8):15–23.

Introduction to Assignment 01

Integrated marketing communication (IMC) is still an evolving discipline and marketers need to stay abreast with significant changes in not only IMC message strategies, but also in different media channels to reach the right consumers via marketing communication mix elements. The customer-centric approach places the consumer at the heart of the IMC process, not only in reaching them via  different  media  where they can be found, but also by using their feedback to improve their products and/or services and future marketing communication strategies. The consumer-centric approach is an approach that has been widely adopted within the field of marketing and is not something new. Generally speaking, this means that the consumer’s needs and wants, and their collaboration with other consumers, are the focus of the organisation when it comes to improving their products and services. See, for example, this definition within the context of marketing:

Consumer-centric marketing can be defined as “the discipline of capturing and deploying consumer insights to enhance marketing effectiveness and better serve those consumers that are the brand’s best prospects” (Maney, Flink & Lietz 2002:3)

Within IMC, on the other hand, it means that consumer feedback through collaboration using various communication channels is considered important to improve on products and  services. The organisation therefore learns from the consumer while the consumer feels valued and becomes loyal. IMC within the consumer-centric approach entails that organisational messages are no longer driven only from an inside-out view, trying to achieve integration and a consistent message to the target audience. Instead, the IMC approach is rather outside-in consumer-centric, where the consumer performs the integration.

Consumer feedback can be generated in various ways, one of which is brand storytelling. Brand storytelling as a branding technique is increasingly becoming important to communicate to the target audience what the brand is all about. Many organisations have therefore become publishers of their own brand content. These brand stories could be shared in social media in which consumers can participate. The stories can also be further adapted by using consumer feedback. Social media is the ideal platform to share brand stories because of their wide readership and because consumers are keen to express their opinions and share information with other users or the organisation. Electronic word of mouth (eWOM) is similar to Viral Marketing but refers to the electronic platforms used to spread information from one user to another. This is typically done using social media which means a brand story could be shared to millions of users within seconds.

Instructions for completing Assignment 01

  • Carefully read through the learning objectives of this
  • Remember that all aspects contained in the learning objectives should be included in the discussion while considering the assignment
  • All concepts as indicated in the learning objectives should be adequately
  • Read about the consumer-centric approach and understand how and why consumer feedback is important for
  • Understand what IMC entails within a consumer-centric
  • Explain how the various elements of the marketing communication mix could be used to generate consumer feedback for the organisation to consider for their products and/or services. You need to identify and discuss at least five elements of the marketing communication mix. Start this section with a theoretical explanation of each element before applying it to IMC within a consumer-centric approach. This part of the assignment requires some resourceful
  • Discuss why the organisation of today has become a publisher. Indicate why and how relevant brand stories can be created and shared by the organisation. What kinds of brand stories could be created? Also explain how consumers could potentially participate in these stories to the benefit of the organisation’s long-term IMC goals within a consumer- centric
  • Explain the importance of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) for the organisation's brand stories as well as its IMC
  • Please read widely and consult at least 10 academic sources for this assignment (excluding tutorial letters). You can also use other relevant sources not mentioned or recommended here. As a student of Unisa you have access to thousands of articles via Unisa's library site (E-resources).
  • Detailed guidelines and resources will be posted on myUnisa to assist you with the completion of this
  • You will be penalised if your assignment does not meet the technical
  • Please make sure that your assignment complies with the technical requirements as stipulated in Tutorial Letter CMNHONE301/2018. This tutorial letter can also be downloaded from myUnisa under the section “Official study material”.

Assignment 02


A brand is a multidisciplinary concept with numerous definitions which can be applied  in different contexts. It is no longer considered to only be a trademark or logo about the organisation, but there is also an emotional connection with consumers. Branding generally refers to the process (communication) to create a unique name and image for a product, service or organisation in the consumer's minds using various communication techniques. Organisations can use numerous brand strategies to position the brand and to create a differentiation in the consumer's minds. Branding therefore plays an important role in how the organisation's target audiences perceive the brand and it can focus on numerous types of brands.

Considering the above, and as the marketing communications manager of a new shopping mall, you have been commissioned to communicate the mall’s corporate brand to its target audience using a corporate brand strategy.

Learning objectives

At the end of Assignment 02 you should be able to:

  • comprehend what a brand is and why it is a multidisciplinary concept.
  • understand the theoretical foundation of a corporate brand.
  • appreciate why brand image is important in corporate branding.
  • comprehend what corporate branding entails and what communication techniques are available.
  • appreciate the characteristics of a corporate brand and strategy and how to implement a corporate brand strategy with reference to the scenario.

Introduction to Assignment 02

The brand is an important part of marketing communication and encompasses a huge field which actually justifies a complete module on its own. However, for this particular assignment we concentrate only on the corporate brand, corporate branding (communication process) and the corporate brand strategy (strategic focus).

Various branding strategies can be used to strategically convey the corporate brand as a specific image of what the brand stands for in the minds of the target audience. However, in

order for branding to succeed, the organisation must thoroughly understand its current, and potentially new, customers. Therefore, the corporate brand strategy should be integrated throughout the organisation incorporating all likely communication with different stakeholders. How the brand is perceived is the sum total of all customer experiences and perceptions of which not all can be influenced by the organisation (Xie & Boggs 2006).

The marketer therefore faces the challenge of creating a brand consumer experience which is part of a carefully crafted corporate brand strategy. A good and focused corporate brand strategy creates a distinct brand image in the minds of consumers. This distinct brand image is established because of a feeling of familiarity – the brand's value and expectations – and is part of the full brand experience (Burnett & Hutton 2007). Various communication techniques to instil this feeling of familiarity within consumers could be used.

Instructions for completing Assignment 02

  • Carefully read through the learning objectives of this
  • Remember that all aspects contained in the learning objectives should be included in the discussion while considering the assignment
  • All concepts as indicated in the learning objectives should be adequately
  • You need to define the brand by considering different definitions and adopt one definition for your assignment with valid
  • You need to understand why the brand is a multi-disciplinary
  • You need to explain what a corporate brand
  • You need to define and explain the concept of corporate branding and how it uses communication
  • You need to explain what a corporate brand strategy is and relate implementation to the question in the
  • Please read widely and consult at least 10 academic sources for this assignment (excluding tutorial letters). You can also use other relevant sources not mentioned or recommended here. As a student of Unisa you have access to thousands of articles via Unisa's library site (E-resources).
  • Detailed guidelines and resources will be posted on myUnisa to assist you with the completion of this
  • You will be penalised if your assignment does not meet the technical
  • Please ensure that your assignment complies with the technical requirements as stipulated in Tutorial Letter CMNHONE/301/2018. This tutorial letter can also be downloaded from myUnisa under the section “Official study material”.

Assignment 03


Public relations has become an essential and integrated component of many organisations in building and maintaining relationships with various publics. Organisations have further realised the importance of investing in public relations to effectively improve their corporate image and reputation.

In light of the above statement, critically discuss public relations by referring to the traditional and online public relations context, theory and functions. Also indicate in your discussion the relevance of public relations in reputation management and how public relations is used to position an organisation as an industry thought leader.

Learning objectives

At the end of Assignment 03 you should be able to:

  • describe the nature of traditional public relations.
  • identify a recent definition of public relations in terms of the latest trends in public relations.
  • comprehend the various seminal and recent theories of public relations.
  • describe the various functions of public relations in an organisational context.
  • explain the nature of online public relations.
  • appreciate a recent definition of online public relations.
  • explain the concept of integration within the context of traditional and online public relations.
  • explain the concept of reputation management and the role of public relations within the context of reputation management.
  • appreciate the relevance of public relations in positioning an organisation as an industry thought leader.

Introduction to Assignment 03

Since public relations is growing as a dynamic industry there are various definitions and perceptions of this field. However, there is still no final, universally accepted definition. Over the years, a number of definitions of public relations have been proposed, some of which are recognised by authoritative bodies the field of public relations. However, these definitions are mostly conceptual, but more recent definitions also acknowledge public relations as a strategic function, for instance, the latest definition by the Public Relations Institute of South Africa () (Chauke & Du Plessis in Angelopulo & Barker 2013:193).

The context in which public relations is practised has also changed considerably. For instance, the internet is increasingly regarded by public relations practitioners and scholars as a valuable medium in the practice of public relations. Advanced technology, such as the internet, has changed the way communication is produced, displayed and stored. The concept of online public relations has become prominent as new online innovations and information technologies have become the means by which organisations disseminate public relations information (Belch & Belch 2012: 575). Furthermore, the internet is used by public relations practitioners to build better relationships with the internal and external public to create a favourable corporate brand (Du Plessis in Angelopulo & Barker 2013:364).

In addition to developments in advanced technology, the concept of corporate reputation has become very important in the context of any organisation. Butterick (2011:49) defines corporate reputation as the collective representation of a series of images and perceptions generated from many different opinions about an organisation. Public relations has assumed an important role in influencing an organisation’s reputation through building and maintaining relationships with stakeholders who have different opinions about an organisation. Reputation management ensures that every stakeholder’s experience of the organisation is keeping up with the reputation the organisation has or hopes to build (Boston 2009: 2). Public relations seeks to maintain a strong corporate reputation which is a key asset for the future of any organisation (Fourie 2014: 151)

Recently, public relations has also become relevant in creating and communicating compelling and valuable industry-specific content that seeks to position organisations as industry thought leaders. Thought leaders are considered to be trusted voices and informed opinion leaders whose expertise and views are highly regarded in the industry (Heath 2013: 677). Public relations helps create and share industry-specific content, mainly through social media platforms, to ensure that an organisation and its individual employees are regarded as thought leaders (Young 2013: 184). Achieving a positon as a trusted industry voice is invaluable to both the organisation and individuals associated with the organisation.

Instructions for completing Assignment 03

  • Discuss the nature of traditional public relations and present a recent definition. Indicate why you selected this specific definition and also how this definition complies with the most recent trend in public
  • Critically discuss any two seminal and one recent theory of public
  • Describe at least five (5) functions of public relations within an organisational
  • Explain the nature of online public relations and present a recent definition. Indicate whether you agree with this definition, giving valid reasons for your
  • Provide valid reasons for the integration of online and traditional public relations
  • Explain the concept of reputation management and the relevance of public relations in reputation
  • Critically discuss the role of public relations in creating and communicating industry- specific content as a way of positioning organisations as industry thought
  • You will be penalised if your assignment does not meet the technical requirements. Please ensure that your assignment complies with the technical requirements as stipulated in Tutorial Letter CMNHONE/301/2018. You can also download this tutorial letter from myUnisa under the section “Official study material”.

Assignment 04


You are a public relations practitioner at one of the largest mobile phone operators in South Africa. Recently, your Chief Executive Officer (CEO) made sexist comments about women in a radio interview. These comments have generated a huge outcry from different sectors of the country and, consequently, created a negative image about your organisation.

As a public relations practitioner you have been tasked with planning and implementing a public relations campaign. The campaign seeks to restore a favourable image of your organisation among its customers and the country in general. Explain how you will use both traditional and online public relations tools to plan and implement this campaign.

Learning objectives

At the end of Assignment 04 you should be able to:

  • comprehend the significance of the public relations campaign to build a favourable image for the organisation.
  • apply all the steps of the public relations campaign to communicate a favourable image of the organisation.
  • identify and explain traditional and online public relations tools and techniques and media to include in the public relations campaign.
  • comprehend how and why traditional and online public relations tools and techniques are integrated in the public relations campaign.

Introduction to Assignment 04

Public relations is all about planned communication messages as the “public face” of the organisation. As public relations practitioners are concerned with various activities, these activities are carried out by means of a public relations programme and/or a public relations campaign.

Public relations practitioners use public relations campaigns as the framework in which these messages are planned, communicated and evaluated. Different public relations media are used to communicate these messages to the organisation’s target audience and to its different stakeholders (Rensburg & Cant 2009: 207).

As the context in which public relations is practiced changed over the years (see Assignment 03), public relations practitioners currently also integrate traditional public relations tools and techniques with online public relations tools and techniques. They integrate these tools and techniques in order to complement and enhance the organisation’s public relations campaign.

Not only have these tools and techniques become more sophisticated, but their numbers have also increased over the years and this indicates the vast area of the field of public relations. Public relations tools and techniques include creating web pages, generating better media products, creating and building relationships internally and externally as well as building trust in all of the organisation’s audiences as additional public relations tools and techniques.

Public relations has an impact on the organisation’s corporate image and ultimately its credibility. All communication and marketing efforts of the organisation affect the public relations efforts of an organisation (Chauke & Du Plessis in Angelopulo & Barker 2013:222).

Instructions for completing Assignment 04

  • Explain the concept “corporate image” and why a public relations campaign is most appropriate to create a favourable corporate image for the
  • Clearly indicate the public relations campaign planning model you are going to use and motivate why you think the model is appropriate for the
  • Indicate how you will use each step of the public relations campaign to communicate a favourable image of the organisation to the media. Your discussion should be balanced in terms of theory and application. Remember your discussion should be applied to the desired corporate image of the
  • Clearly indicate which traditional and online public relations tools and techniques will be used for your campaign. You also need to explain why an integrated approach is more desirable.
  • Clearly indicate which traditional and online media you will use to support your favourable message about the organisation. You need to provide valid reasons for including these media in your public relations
  • You will be penalised if your assignment does not meet the technical requirements as stipulated in Tutorial Letter CMNHONE/301/2018. You can also download this tutorial letter from myUnisa under the section Official Study

Assignment 05


Advertising is the most visible element of the marketing communication mix and is fundamental in the brand management and creation processes (Du Plessis, Van Heerden & Cook 2010:42). However, the focus has shifted from offline to digital and online environments where consumers are constantly engaged with advertising messages and information (Madiba 2016). Therefore, researchers focus on the advertising message and position consumers’ responses at the centre of the advertising process (Brewer 2015). However, while the focus is on the online and digital environments, the integration of offline and online messages is essential in order to build an integrated storyline for the brand (Madiba 2016).

Considering the above, provide a critical theoretical explanation of the importance of considering consumer response processes and the hierarchy of the advertising message effects in the creation of offline, online/digital and integrated advertising messages for managing and creating the brand. Further, indicate the importance of considering the ethical criticisms of advertising when focusing on the advertising message and the consumer.

Learning objectives

At the end of Assignment 05 you should be able to:

  • provide a critical theoretical discussion and contextualisation of traditional/offline, online/digital and integrated advertising.
  • critically discuss and explain the most important advertising response models for the purpose of explaining the response process that consumers proceed through, as well as the hierarchy of effects that an advertising message has on consumers.
  • discuss and explain the role of advertising in building, creating, maintaining or managing a brand.
  • discuss ethical criticisms of advertising.
  • provide a critical explanation of why all of the above issues need consideration in the creation of the advertising message.

Introduction to Assignment 05

Advertising is a dynamic and diverse field of study and plays a significant role in communicating the organisation’s planned messages as an integrated element of the marketing communication mix. Different authors award advertising diverse definitions, all of which successfully describe this vibrant field of study. One such example is Du Plessis, Van Heerden and Cook (2010:42) who explain advertising as

non-personal, one way, planned messages paid for by an identified sponsor and disseminated to a broader audience in order to influence their attitudes and behaviour.

Regardless of the existing variety of definitions, most authors agree that the definition of advertising ought to explain that advertising is a paid  form  of  communication.  They also agree that it identifies the sponsor, reaches a broad audience, informs consumers, aims to persuade or influence them, and uses mass media to communicate non-personal messages.

In the past, advertisers used mass media, such as radio and television to communicate with consumers. Today, the rapid advancement in technology has led to online/digital advertising, mostly integrated with offline/traditional advertising. The online environment caused advertising to evolve into interactive, information-intensive communication messages with a global reach and which is aimed at varied audiences at relatively low cost.

Barker, Du Plessis and Hanekom (2013:353) define online advertising as:

… consisting of inexpensive, borderless, persuasive, continuous and information- intensive online communication messages – sent out to  a  globally  diverse  audience that voluntarily accesses unmodified messages on the internet – from an identified sponsor who directly receives feedback in an interactive manner.

Usually, advertising is used in collaboration with the other elements of the marketing communication mix, as well as other organisational communication messages and strategies. Hanekom (2007:225) argues that all internal and external communication messages should send out a unified message to internal and external stakeholders to build a unique and cohesive overall corporate brand for the organisation. The key therefore is integration as the borders between all the different functions, messages and applications are blurred.

It is important for advertising/integrated marketing communication practitioners to know how consumers respond and react to advertising messages. Therefore, the consumer response process or the hierarchy of effects should be studied in order to provide information on consumers’ behaviour when they receive these messages. Several models explain the impact of the messages and the response process or hierarchy of effects that is present when the consumer is exposed to or influenced by an advertising message. It is important to note that different audience members react differently to different types of advertising messages, hence advertising response models describe the general consumer response process. The traditional response hierarchy models such as the AIDA model (attention, interest, desire, action) by Strong (1925); the hierarchy of effects model (awareness, knowledge, liking, preference, conviction) by Robert Lavidge and Gary Steiner (1961); the innovation adoption model (awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, adoption) by Rogers (1962); and the information processing model (presentation, attention, comprehension, yielding, retention, behaviour) by William McGuire (1978) are founded on the premise that  the consumer  proceeds  through three basic consumer response phases, namely the affective, cognitive and conative (behavioural) phases. The alternative response hierarchies (the three-order model of information processing) consist of the standard learning hierarchy, the dissonance/attribution hierarchy and the low-involvement hierarchy. The FCB planning model was developed by Richard Vaughn (1980) and couples involvement levels with information processing styles (rational versus emotional), or think/feel dimensions as the factors deciding which response hierarchy sequence would be followed and for classifying product categories.

One of the most important functions or primary motivations of advertising is to assist in building, creating, maintaining or managing a brand. Since advertising plays a major role in this process, it is important to “put the brand at the core and use it as the filter for everything you do” (Du Plessis, Van Heerden & Cook 2010:42).It is therefore important to, for example, understand and consider the brand essence as it is important in creating advertising or integrated marketing communication messages. Du Plessis et al (2010:43) explain that advertising’s role in creating and maintaining a brand is to take the essence of the brand and to communicate it to the consumer.

In addition, advertising is usually criticised for its unethical use as a selling tool (Moriarty et al 2009:733) because of its impact on society’s values, norms, ideas and thinking. For this reason, advertising is, in some circles regarded as being deceptive, untruthful, offensive, in  bad taste and exploitative.

Instructions for completing Assignment 05

  • Provide a critical theoretical discussion and contextualisation of traditional/offline, online/digital and integrated
  • Critically discuss and explain the most important advertising response models for the purpose of explaining the response process that consumers proceed through, as well as the hierarchy of effects that an advertising message has on
  • Discuss and explain the role of advertising in building, creating, maintaining or managing a
  • Discuss ethical criticisms of
  • Provide a critical explanation of why these need consideration in the creation of the advertising message

Assignment 06


In the context of online and digital environments where organisations make use of web- based/online/digital communication and social media, Geldenhuys (2015) explains that consumers are powerful as they can find and share information and opinions about brands. Geldenhuys (2015) further observes that “social and other digital channels are changing consumer behaviour”. Tenzer (2015) adds that, in the digital age, “businesses will be able to personalise the customer experience, differentiating their brands, and most importantly build customer loyalty”.

The statements above emphasise that the online and digital era has changed the manner in which organisations communicate with their target audiences and, as a result, the audience has also changed and expects organisations to have a consumer-centric focus.

Based on the statements above, critically discuss and explain the changed role of the online/digital audience and the unique features of web-based/online/digital communication. Firstly, consider the digital integration of online/digital/web-based communication and the  unique characteristics of the online audience. Secondly, explain the changed role of the online audience because of their ability to create and share online content about an organisation’s products and services via social media; and thirdly, discuss the risks involved for an organisation when using social media in which online audience members participate.

Learning objectives

At the end of Assignment 06 you should be able to:

  • explain the nature and unique features of web-based/online/digital communication.
  • explain the digital integration of web-based/online/digital communication.
  • critically discuss and explain the online/digital audience’s unique and changed characteristics/abilities.
  • clarify the role of the online audience member in creating and sharing of online content about an organisation’s products and services by means of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) and viral marketing.
  • identify the nature of social media and their powerful impact on an organisation’s products and/or services.
  • make valid arguments about all the risks which organisations are facing when using social media in which the online audience members also participate.

Introduction to Assignment 06

Online communication is distinguished from more traditional forms of communication. Gulbrandsen and Just (2011:1098) identify five distinct features that characterise online communication. These include (1) negotiable and uncontrolled; (2) time-space free;

(3) hypertextual; (4) hyper-public and (5) two-way (Gulbrandsen & Just 2011:1098). This has changed the manner in which organisations communicate with their target audiences, as well as

the power and characteristics of the online/digital audience. Messages in the online environment are regarded to be primarily text-based with the focus on information. Online audience members further have control over their exposure and use of these messages since they actively and voluntarily find or visit online/web-based/digital messages. With this type of control in the hands of the online/digital consumer, interaction with web-based/online/digital communication messages is inevitable. Online consumers can search for, interact with and discard any online message whenever they wish.

Therefore, with the introduction of social media as a result of web 2.0 technology, the online audience member has adopted a more dynamic way of engaging with the organisation’s products and services. Not only is the online audience member sharing and creating online content, but he or she has also become more powerful because of the impact of electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) on a global audience with potentially millions of members. Chu (2011) explains that organisations are able to create relationships with their consumers because of social media and consumers’ ability to engage in eWOM. Online consumers are now able to share content, especially brand-related information, via social networks (Chu 2011:48).

According to Kietzmann, Hermken, McCarthy and Silvestre (2011:241), social media is highly interactive as consumers can “share, co-create, discuss, and modify user-generated content”. Therefore, the communication landscape has changed and it almost seems as if the power has been taken from integrated marketing communication practitioners and given to the online consumer. Kietzmann et al (2011) regard social media as very powerful and therefore organisations have to decide whether to ignore it or adapt their communication strategies to incorporate this phenomenon known as “prosumer”.

Instructions for completing Assignment 06

Learning objectives

At the end of Assignment 06 you should be able to:

  • explain the nature and unique features of web-based/online/digital communication
  • explain the digital integration of web-based/online/digital communication
  • critically discuss and explain the online/digital audience’s unique and changed characteristics/abilities
  • clarify the role of the online audience member in creating and sharing of online content about an organisation’s products and services by means of electronic word of mouth (e- WOM) and viral marketing
  • identify the nature of social media and their powerful impact on an organisation’s products and/or services
  • make valid arguments about all the risks which organisations are facing when using social media in which the online audience members also participate
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