
KA02 Report Writing

Knowledge Assessment KA02 Report

IPENZ stands for The Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand and is a very crucial membership organization for the development of NewZealand because they are a group of people who consist of each and every trade of engineering and are the main reason for the basic development of New Zealand. They offer membership based on competition and register for the sole purpose to show that you are ethical towards your work. This is done by assessing the depth in the field of engineering and skills that the specific individual has as compared to standard trademarked education standards. There are three types of memberships provided by IPENZ that are:

  1. Professional Member (MIPENZ)
  2. Technical Member (TIPENZ)
  3. Associate Member (AIPENZ)
KA02 Report Writing

Benefits of taking the membership

Along with the fact that the engineering career of the person would fly high, there are some other benefits of taking the membership and they are as follows:

  • One gets to recognize the hidden potential they have.
  • Many opportunities come in the way that was earlier blocked due to either rules or company policies.
  • It improves the overall personality of the person resulting in better results at work.
  • The qualified person will get a global accreditation for the same.

Now talking about KA02, it stands for Knowledge assessment and the code is 02, this is the application that is used by people who want to immigrate to New Zealand and want to get affiliated by IPENZ so that they can start a better career in New Zealand since there is a different kind of working and learning standards in and around the globe. Writing a KA02 report is a really complex task which requires complete expertise in the specific field of engineering, Language skills and excellence in written skills as well. In a way, We can compare KA02 with the Competency Demonstration report of Australia.

Fragments of the Assessment process:

  1. Preparation
  2. Validation
  3. Evaluation
  4. Recommandation
  5. Decision

Is KA02 too much complex?

The fact that not many of the engineers who write this report are able to clear the entrance criteria and the major reason is that they are not able to express better what they are experts at and the other reason is that they do not have enough data on the KA02. If one’s form gets rejected, it cannot be reused and the money spent on all the forms too! That's a lot of money.

The fact that if the person has graduated from a university that is according to the curriculum of the universities in New Zealand then the person has to fill the KA01 form and if not, then a much complex and harder KA02 form have to fill.

The secondary reason that is making KA02 much harder and more complex is that due to an increase in the number of applicants the marking and allowing criteria has been set to a higher standard than earlier because they can allow only a limited number of professionals in the field and hence clearing in this part is not so easy.

Renewal of the registration

To maintain the registration one needs to get assessed once in a period of six years, it should be noted that the registrations made on the basis of competence need to be assessed only once and not again and again. This is to make sure that the professional, an engineer, in this case, has held up to the knowledge of the field and grown with the growing specific field. There is a one time charge for the registration the renewal is done annually.

Tips for a better application

  1. While writing the application, make sure to use only the first person, that is ‘i’ or ‘me’. This will make the person reading as if it is written with personal experiences.
  2. One should make records of the work done in the previous organizations because this will help you write an application with better work to show and recalling the work done will be much easier as compared to thinking directly while writing.
  3. The best way to get selected is to write the application in accordance to the assessment criteria to get an idea about what needs to be done and how the application is to be written for having the maximum chances of selection.
  4. Nothing better could be advised than talking to the person who has cleared the similar process and asking them to share their experience and take some of the critical tips from them for the application writing.
  5. The last option for people is to call the organization itself and arrange for an advisor who at every step would help the applicant, be it data collection or the report writing.

Work Record:

The work record that the applicant shows should have the following

Project or activity title: name your record Project/activity description: a “big picture” overview, including who the work was for and should also include the scope of the work there should be a small article about the expected results, the column of the specific requirements should be there. Include any supplementary information that will describe the nature of the work in a better way would help writing in a successful application.

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