
Data Collection Assignment Help

Primary Data Collection & Secondary Data Collection

What are the different methods of data collection?

Data is considered to be the special type of information usually obtained only through surveys, observations, inquiries and are generated as a result of human activity. Usually, methods of data collection are considered to be essential for each and every one who desire to collect the data. Data collection is known as a fundamental concept and as a result, there are other numerous methods in order to collect the data that is initially used on one particular and appropriate set that will initially result in the different kinds of data later onwards. Collection of data eventually known as the purpose in order to gather information that is relevant to the subject matter and is a form of the study from the units that is under investigation. The main method of collecting data basically depends upon the nature, purpose and also scope of the inquiry on one hand and also the availability of resources on the other. The statistical data might be classified into primary and also secondary classification and is usually depended on nature and mode collection. Data collection is considered to be the most important part of science and Meteorologists relate the data over the time in order to keep the specific record and also make the forecasts further on the basis of it. The data have been initially collected by hand for the thousands of years and the technology in order to collect the data electronically have been around for more than 80 years and have made significant development in this time period. These technologies have been developed in the last 20 years.

Primary Data collection is the unique observations that are eventually collected by the researcher and his agent for the very first time for any kind of investigation and is usually used by all of them in the statistical analysis while secondary data is usually collected by others and is also used by others. The data that is primary is for one time but secondary are for another. The major difference between the primary and the secondary data is the degree of the detachment with the unique source. Primary data are freshly collected and is also collected for the first time while the secondary data are already collected in advance. The primary data once used then it usually loses its uniqueness and becomes secondary at that moment. Such secondary data are most commonly published in the newspapers or periodicals and in journals as well.

Different methods of data collection of primary data:

  • Direct personal investigation: This is considered to be the method in which the investigation is initially done privately for the need data.
  • Interview or questionnaires: This method is initially the method by which the investigator usually collects all of the data from the respondents in order to put questions to them regarding the same.
  • Discussion with all the community leaders: there are some of the data that is required and cannot be collected only through the personal investigation and through the interview so the community leaders are initially approached in order to fetch for the required data.

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The main choice in between the primary and the secondary data usually depend upon the nature, objectives and also on the scope of inquiry, availability of time and money plus the degree of accuracy that is eventually desired and also the status of the investigator. The primary data is eventually reliable on the face but not in the case of secondary data because it usually determines the source from which it is eventually obtained by their true significance or completeness and also a method of collection at the same time. In the certain investigation, both the primary and the secondary data is essentially used as one of the supplements to one another. It might be pointed out but is fairly reliable. Primary data is initially collected only if there is no existence of secondary data available to the investigation under the study.

Data collection plays a very vital role in the statistical analysis and according to the research there are initially different types of methods used in order to gather information that is relevant and to the point and out of this it usually falls into two categories first is the primary data and secondary data. As already mentioned, the primary data is the one that is collected for the very first time by the researchers while on the other hand the secondary data is considered to be the data that is collected by others. There are many other differences between the primary and the secondary data that have been discussed initially. But one of the most important differences is that primary data is initially factual and original but secondary data is just known as the interpretation and the analysis of the primary data. But primary data is usually collected as an aim in order to get a solution to the problem at hand while secondary data is usually collected for other different purposes.

Primary data: the data that is usually originated for the very first time by the researcher through all the direct efforts and the experiences or basically for the purpose in order to address the research problem. Primary data is also considered to be the first hand and raw data. Primary data collection is expensive and according to the research that was conducted by the organisation or the agency too it usually requires all the resources for the manpower and the investment. The data collection is considered to be directly under control and also supervision of the investigator at the same time. Generally, the data that is collected through all the various methods like observations or physical testing and surveys then the questionnaires were initially filled and sent through personal interviews or telephonic interviews at the same time.

Secondary data: Secondary data initially implies all the second hand or the user information that is already collected and is initially recorded by the people and then the user for a purpose not generally related to the current research problem. It is a usually available form of data that is eventually collected from the numerous resources like the censuses or the government publications or the internal records of the organizations or books or journal articles and websites at the same time. Secondary data eventually provide you with several advantages and is easily available it also saves times and also cost of the researcher at the same moment. But then there are some of the major disadvantages that are initially associated with it because of the data that is eventually gathered for all of the purposes other than the issues in the mind and so the usefulness of the data might be limited in numerous ways just like the relevance and also the accuracy. However, the objective and the methods that have been adopted in order to acquire the data, that might not be suitable to the current situation at the same time. So, before using the secondary data all of these factors should initially be kept in the mind.

Some of the key difference between primary and secondary data should be kept in mind:

However, some of the major fundamental differences between the primary and also secondary data are been discussed below:

  • The term primary data basically refers to the data that is uniquely originated by the researcher for the very first time. While secondary data is the one that already exists and is collected by the investigator agencies and also other organisations
  • Primary data is considered to be the real-time data while secondary data is considered to be the one that is related to the past.
  • Primary data is eventually collected in order to address the issues at hand while secondary data is majorly collected for the purposes rather than the issues at
  • Primary data usually is a very involved procedure while the secondary data is rapid and quite easy
  • Primary data collection usually includes the surveys or observations or questionnaires and other different things while secondary data is not specific to the researcher’s need and also doesn’t have enough control over the data quality.
  • Primary data is initially available in the raw form while the secondary data is initially refined form of the primary data and it is also said that the secondary data is initially obtained when all the statistical methods are initially applied to the primary data
  • Data collected is usually through the primary source and is more reliable and accurate whereas the secondary sources aren’t that much reliable

As discussed above the primary and the secondary data, that primary data is considered to be the original data and is directly collected by the researcher from the source all according to the requirements. While the secondary data is easily accessible and are not pure because they usually have undergone through different statistical treatments.

What do you mean by data collection?

Data collection is considered to be the most essential yet important stages in order to carry out a research. You can initially create one of the best research plans in the entire world. Data collection is considered to be the most extreme yet challenging work when it eventually requires the exhaustive planning or understanding and diligent work at the same time. They usually have the capacity in order to complete the assignment efficiently and effectively. Data collection majorly begins in order to figure out the data that is required and is followed by the collection of the sample from the certain section of the population. Therefore, you have to initially utilize certain tool in order to gather the data and also the chosen samples at the same moment.

Sources of the data collection

Normally the data is gathered from the two major sources i.e. the primary and the secondary data. Data that is gathered through the perception and questionnaire reviews in a characteristic setting is considered to be an illustration of data that is eventually obtained in any kind of uncontrollable situation. Secondary data is considered to be the data that is eventually acquired from different optional sources like magazines, journals, documents, reports and more.

Sources of Primary data collection

Primary data is the data that you can eventually gather particularly in the end goal of your research venture. Influencing of the primary data is particularly customized to your analysis needs and requirements. A drawback is that it is quite expensive in order to get hold of the primary data and is otherwise known as the raw information. The information is basically gathered from the very first source in either a controlled or uncontrolled situation. However, the cases of the controlled domain are basically experimental studies where there are certain variables are initially controlled by the analysts.

The main source of the primary data is one of the famous tests from which one can gather all the desired information and the initial or the first phase in the procedure is to decide the target population.  It is impracticable in order to gather information from each and every one and so you need to focus mainly on the sample size and also kind of people. The specimen ought to be arbitrary and also stratified random sample that is initially sensible

Sources of the secondary data collection

You can initially break the sources of the secondary data into the internal as well as the external sources too. Inner sources usually incorporate all of the data that usually exists and is eventually stored in one organization. External data initially refer to as the data that is gathered by other different individuals and the associations from your association outer environment.

Some of the examples of the inner sources are:

  • Statement of the profit and loss
  • Sales figures
  • Balance sheets
  • Inventory records
  • Previous marketing studies

Some of the peripheral sources are as follows

  • the institution of higher education
  • practicalities
  • Regime foundation
  • Media, print and internet
  • Commercial stodgy
  • Employment, business and expert association

Data collection initially plays a vital role in the statistical analysis. According to the research, there are eventually different procedures used in order to gather information and all of which eventually fall into two categories already mentioned above that is primary data and secondary data. As the name initially suggests that the primary data is the data that is eventually collected for the very first time by the researcher but the secondary data is the data that is already collected and is also produced by others. There are numerous differences between the primary and also the secondary data that is already discussed above. But one of the important differences is that the primary data is considered to be factual and also original and unique while secondary data is considered to be the analysis and also the interpretation of the primary data. The primary data’s main objective is that it is usually collected in order to get appropriate solution to the problem at hand while secondary data is eventually collected for a variety of different purposes.

So, this was a brief about the primary data collection and about its importance as you can look above. Primary data collection is considered to be one of the major forms in which you can judge people’s personality and there are also two forms of data collection. Primary and secondary data already mentioned above. Primary data helps in the collection of information and the information that is gathered for the primary data have to be always original and unique while the data that is collected or gathered for the secondary data need to be second hand  or used as it is not compulsory for an individual to collect the original data because usually as already mentioned above that primary data is the most important data and is eventually most reliable one whereas the secondary data is not the original as it is already used and most of the time it is also not considered to be the  reliable data.

Thus, as you can see and is also mentioned above about the primary data as it is considered to be the unique and original data that is initially collected directly by the research in particular form the sources and it basically depends upon their requirements if any. But in the case of secondary data, it is eventually accessible and you need not try to surf for the same because it is not as pure as it seems to be and at the same time have initially undergone through other statistical treatments before coming in. Therefore, this is what primary and secondary data is all about and remember data collection is considered to be the most important part in order to collect anything so you need to ensure that it has to unique yet original and not copied while collecting the primary data for the same but you can make use of other publications in order to collect the secondary data.

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