Biofuels Engineering Assignment Help Usa

How do you think our lives will be impacted once the fossil fuels get exhausted? Do you think we will still be able to do all the tasks that fossil fuels are meant to serve, including the running of our vehicles and providing electricity to the entire world? Well, that is the reason why efforts are being made to find something reliable enough to replace fossil fuels sustainably. Furthermore, biofuels are amongst what scientists believe have multiple advantages over fossil fuels and are a potential replacement of the same. This is because one of the former American politicians, Rod R. Blagojevich, said “biofuels are the future of energy in this nation and around the world.”

While fossil fuels are the carbon-based natural energy sources that are exhaustible, such as oil, coal, and natural gas, biofuels, in contrast, are the renewable energy sources that can be indefinitely grown. Henceforward, special attention is now being paid to biofuels to figure out ways to enhance both their life and efficacy, which is what is taught to students pursuing degrees in the field of bioengineering and biofuel engineering, such as the course BIOE 157 – biofuels engineering, which is a part of the curriculum for the students studying bioengineering in the Santa Clara University’s School of Engineering in the USA. Are you also studying biofuels engineering as a part of your academic curriculum? Well, if yes, then here is good news for you, i.e., we, at Assignment Hippo have a top-notch quality customized biofuels engineering assignment help in the USA for the scholars just like you.

What Do Biofuel Engineers Do?

Physicists say that energy can be neither created nor destroyed, and only its manifestation can be transformed, or transferred between places. Likewise, even though biofuel engineers are a kind of renewable energy engineers, their job does not include creating energy rather harnessing it from the existing natural and biological sources. Understanding the job responsibilities of a biofuel engineer, we first need to know what biofuels are. So, do you know what biofuel is? And how is it different from other fossil fuels? Well, as opposed to fossil fuels such as natural gas and coal, which are formed naturally on Earth over millions of years by the degradation and differentiation of ancient animal and plant matter, biofuels are synthesized from organic material, including algae, corn, and even organic waste and residual vegetable oils from the fast-food restaurants. While fossil fuels are non-reusable and polluting, biofuels are renewable, eco-friendly, and decomposable.

Biofuel engineers are typically employed by research labs, government agencies, universities, and private energy companies, and their job includes designing and devising instruments, processes, and protocols for generating biofuels for serving the purposes of heating homes, powering automobiles, along generating electricity. Just like the other engineers, biofuel engineers are also problem solvers, who channelize old scientific principles to find out new technological solutions. As a consequence, their typical days are spent designing and developing new and/or improved biofuel systems and analyzing the existing ones. For instance, they might finely tune equipment to turn corn quickly and more efficiently into ethanol, or might even create a new piece of tool for the same purpose, figure out a more efficient methodology to grow algae used for making some sort of biodiesel. Regardless, their objectives are partially environmental and partially business-oriented as they create both new opportunities for the business of energy companies and new solutions for the Earth’s environment.

Biofuel Engineering at Santa Clara University School of Engineering

The course BIOE 157 – biofuels engineering covers the basic principles used for classifying and evaluating biofuels in terms of their economic and thermodynamic efficiencies, as well as their impact on the environment for resource recovery. Furthermore, special emphasis is placed on emerging new applications, namely, photo-bioreactors and microbial fuel cell technology.

What Are the Two Types of Biofuels?

Unlike other energy resources that are also renewable, biofuels are the liquid fuels produced directly from biomass and are used to meet the fuel requirement in transportation. Ethanol and biodiesel, both of which represent the biofuel technology’s first generation, are the most commonly produced and used biofuels today. Ethanol (CH3CH2OH) is the biofuel synthesized from various plant matter, which is collectively referred to as “biomass.” Ethanol is an alcohol fuel that is used as a blending agent in gasoline to enhance octane and cut down the smog-causing emissions such as carbon monoxide (CO). Biomass is commonly converted into ethanol by the process called fermentation, during which microorganisms (for example, yeast and bacteria) produce ethanol by metabolizing plant sugars. Biodiesel, on the other hand, is also produced from renewable resources, including animal fats and both new and used vegetable oils, and is relatively a cleaner-burning fuel as compared to petroleum-based (diesel) fuel. Biodiesel is made by mixing alcohol with recycled cooking grease, animal fat, or vegetable oil, and is biodegradable and nontoxic.

Do you know what percent of the US uses biofuels already? Although almost 81% of the total energy in the US comes from fossil fuels, biofuels are also amongst the important components of the US transport sector's fuel consumption as in the year 2012, biofuels accounted for about 7.1 percent of its total consumption, which was 13.8 billion gallons, majority of which (94%) was ethanol synthesized from the corn starch kernels and the rest was biodiesel made from vegetable oils (primarily, soy oil) and animal fats, greases, and waste oils. While shifting from energy resources other than fossil fuels might take time, biofuels are practically available in infinite amounts as they are produced from organic materials and even organic waste materials.

Need biofuels engineering assignment help samples for free?

Are you looking for free online biofuels engineering assignment help samples to get insight into how to write immaculate assignment solutions without taking anyone's help? Well, then you have certainly landed where you should have because in our dedicated resource section we have plenty of assignment samples that can guide you through the approaches using which you can fetch the finest grades of your dreams. So, visit there any time and get one on any of the biofuels topics of your choice, however, if you can't find one, upload the assignment you are having trouble understanding and get instant advice from our proficient bioengineers on how to encounter that particular task. Furthermore, we have online mentoring too, which will result in the perfect learning outcomes that you have always been aiming to achieve. So, grab our experts’ biofuels engineering assignment help online to get past all your assignment troubles and to pass with flying colors.

Few slides from a similar biofuel engineering assignment sample, wherein our experts helped the concerned scholar in making a presentation on the production of bioethanol from plant biomass, are attached herewith. The presentation covered all the aspects of bioethanol production, starting from what it is and why are its global requirements, the various processes involved, to the future directions for the same, including (CBP, LPMP, and Nanotechnology). To fetch the entire presentation or any other help with your assignment, connect with our experts to take a sigh of relief.

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