What Is a Meta Tag? - Definition & Examples

Meta Tag Definition

A Meta tag in the HTML that describes some aspects of the content of a web page, this tag is used by search engines to index a page so that someone searching for some kind of information on web page and page able to find it. This tag is placed as a part of the heading of the web page. There are many types of meta tag, but the commonly used for the search engines are, Keyword meta tag and description meta tag. Keyword tag is used to list the word that describes the content of the page. Description tag is used to describe the whole page in one or two line description. Both the tags are helpful to index a page over the search engines. Well-written meta tags help make page rank higher in search results.

Types of Meta Tag

Types of meta tag


To add the description of the program that you need to embed in your website is the generator tag. It is also known by Formatter tag. You can add this generator tag anywhere where you want to not only the index/home page. Every page of your website should have relevant meta tag. Used keywords and phrases that also should be relevant for the user and same for the correspond page. Might be this increase you work to add meta to tag to every page but this work too later you get to know about this.

Syntax of Generator Tag

<meta name="generator" content="program">

Example of Meta Generator Tag

<meta name="generator" content="FrontPage">

Meta “Description” Tag

To explain you visitor in only 2 or 3 line the description of your web page that shows on the search engines is description tag. Almost all the major search engines talk about description tag and use it also. You have a direct input on the way to show your website content to the user without visited to the page. This description is like a snippet which have reference on the page as well appearance on the web. Important thing to note it down is the keywords you use that should be come to found in your site it should be in your meta description tag.

Syntax of Description tag

<meta name="description" content="text">

Example of Description tag

<meta name="description" content=”This page is about Meta tag and its characteristics and how it is going to rank you web page in all the search engines">

Meta “Keyword” Tag

These days online proceedings start with search query. User browse to search engines and fill about the keywords that he is actually looking for. So put the relevant keyword is important for the web page creator. Because keyword meta tag is a source to any web page. Keyword, user search to your website should be mentioned in your keyword meta tag. If the user find the same results for he is actually looking then your website ranked higher in the search index. Keyword should be of 20 words that is acceptable by most of the search engines so just put 10 important keyword first. Keyword is not only matter to rank up your website or webpage relevant title and description also matters the same and text on your website.

Syntax of Keyword Tag

<meta name="keywords" content="text">

Example of Keyword Tag

<meta name="keywords" content=" Meta Tag Definition, Types of Meta Tag, Meta “GENERATOR” Tag, Meta “Description” Tag, Meta “Keyword” Tag">

Meta “Robots” Tag

If a website creator wants to index the home page of the website and not the other pages then how he will notify this to the spider of search engines. So, this tag is used for the same to index only specific page to search engines. But the other meta tags are also include, robot tag applied to that page only that you want to crawl or not.

Syntax of Meta Robots tag

<meta name="robots" content="selection">

Example of Meta Robots tag

<meta name="robots" content="index, follow">


<META NAME="robots" CONTENT="index, follow">

<meta name="robots" CONTENT="all">