Area of Triangle Assignment Help


A triangle is mainly referred to as a polygon, it is a 2-dimensional object with having 3 sides, and 3 vertices, and the area of a triangle is generally determined through using a simpler formula that is to be used while get solving the new problems, and its related several questions. For calculating the area of the triangle, the user must know about all lengths of sides, the type of triangle what is it, and also about the height of the triangle as usually, the area of a triangle is a related measurement for the measurement of the area that is covered by the triangle, and effectively expressing the area of a triangle in the square units, as the area of a triangle is generally determined by the formulas that are the base multiplies by the height of the triangle, and divided by 2, and the second method is calculating through Heron’s Formula when all sides of the triangles are known.

The base of a triangle could be easily selected as any side of a triangle, at usually the bottom of a triangle is generally taken as a base, as for an isosceles triangle the unequal sides of a triangle are generally taken as a base, and mainly even for the right-angled triangle one of the sides effectively containing the right angle for 90 degrees could be effectively taken as a base.

Area of Triangle

A triangle is a two-dimensional shape that is having 3 sides, and 3 angles as an area of a triangle are the region that is enclosed inside the triangle, a triangle could be of four types as mainly depending upon the length of its sides, and related angles, as the four types of triangles are as follows:

  • Right-angled Triangle- The angle is 90 degrees.
  • Isosceles triangle- In this, the two sides are triangles.
  • Scalene Triangle: In this triangle, all three sides are unequal.
  • Equilateral triangle: All three sides are equal, and each angle is 60 degrees.

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Area of Triangle Assignment help

The formula of Area of Triangle

The formula of Area of Triangle is A = ½ (b × h) square units at where the b is the base, and h is the height of the triangle, as the area of the triangle is mainly depending upon the type of triangle, and the area formulas for all different types of triangles are equilateral triangle, the right-angled triangle, and an isosceles triangle, at while the user having three sides, then the user could easily find the area of the triangle through using Heron’s Formula.

The formula of Area of Right- Angled Triangle

A right-angled triangle is a triangle as having one of its angles is 90 degrees, and the side that is opposite to the right angle is known as hypotenuse. In the right-angled triangle, the perpendicular height is represented as h, and the base is represented as b, so the formula is the Area of a right-angled triangle= ½*b*h.

The formula of the Isosceles triangle

An isosceles triangle is having two of its lengths of sides that are equal that sides “A”, and “B”, and a perpendicular is drawn which divides the base into 2 equal parts. Hence, by the formula, A = 1/2 x b x h,

Area of an Equilateral Triangle

An equilateral triangle has three sides of equal lengths, and all the three angles of the triangle would be equal to 60 degrees, as an equilateral triangle with equal sides and a perpendicular is drawn which divides the base into 2 equal parts.

Area of Triangle Heron’s Formula

A scalene triangle is a triangle in which all three sides of a triangle are not equal to each other, and to find the area of a scalene triangle, and for even some other triangles, the user generally uses the Heron’s Formula. A scalene triangle is given 3 sides that are a, b, and c.

Basis of angles, classification of Triangles.

Based on triangles, the basis of triangles are as follows:

Acute Triangle: A triangle in which each angle gets measured as more than zero degrees but less than 90 degrees is known as the acute-angled triangle, as the area of an acute triangle is more like than the area of a scalene triangle, so, the area of the acute triangle of sides a, b, and c, and its height is hb/2.

Obtuse Triangle: A triangle in which one of the angle measures is more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees is known as the obtuse-angled triangle, as the area of the obtuse triangle of sides a, b, and c, and its height is also hb/2.

Right triangle: A triangle in which one of the measures of the angles is exactly 90 degrees is known as the right triangle, and the area of the right triangle of the base is b, and height is h, and the hypotenuse HB is hb/2.

Ways for finding the area of a triangle?

Some of the major methods to find the area of a triangle with the relevant pieces of information are mainly as follows:

  • The length of the two sides of a triangle is given.
  • The length of all the three sides of a triangle is while given.
  • When the lengths of any two sides of the right triangle are given.
  • When the lengths of any one side of the equilateral triangle are given.
  • When the vertices of the triangle on the plane coordinate are given.
  • When the vectors of the triangles are given.