An Argumentative Analysis: Financial Difficulties in Higher Institutions of Learning

An Argumentative Analysis: Financial Difficulties in Higher Institutions of Learning

The issue of financial difficulties in higher institutions of learning is very much prevalent around the globe. Along with the developing countries, developed countries like the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia are also facing the challenges of student retention in their higher institutions of learning due to the issue of financial challenges (Long and Riley 41). So, in this visual argument the emphasis will be on ‘Impact of financial difficulties in higher institutions of learning and how to overcome it’. Due to rising of higher education costs in both public and private educational institutions, the students are in dire need of financial aid to cover both the cost of study and living in universities. Before suggesting the probable solutions, we need to identify the causes that are behind these problems (Thomas 425). After reviewing the various aspects of these problems, it can be stated that this infographic should concentrate on the following areas-

  • Categorizing the major barriers for low-income students to promise encouraging interventions for completion of their college degree (Thomas 426)
  • In the wake of increasing costs and reducing revenues from the states and other sources, the universities and colleges should improve their efficiency by reducing unnecessary expenses and introducing new sources of revenue generation. (Long and Riley 46)
  • Ensuring on-time receipt of financial assistance to reduce the problems of self-financing, family funding or borrowing from others. (Thomas 427)
  • Improving the learning performance of the underprivileged students by making proper arrangement of scholarships and education loans. (Yorke and Thomas 64)
  • Minimizing the problems of inadequate loan or scholarships (Long and Riley 50)

So, in the infographic we will try to make logical recommendations to reduce the intensity of the problems. As a consequence, it will not only help the students to manage their financial problems, but also in completing their studies without any obstacles. According to this infographic at first, we will evaluate about how to facilitate the problems of low-income students (Thomas 428). In order to make a relative equilibrium with their high-income peers, the low-income students should be provided with the facilities, like fee waivers and other instrumental supports, such as tutoring, mentoring, college visits, summer programs, as well as scholarship funding (Yorke and Thomas 65). Besides, irrespective of the students’ background more expert counselors and advisors should be recruited by the higher education institutions (HEIs) to guide the students regarding the financial aid process. So, a graphical presentation is provided in this infographic to furnish evidence about how the effective financial aid will improve their learning performance in the higher education institutions (Long and Riley 52).

Second, in this infographic we concentrate on ensuring minimization of unnecessary expenses and on-time receipt of financial assistances to suggest ways for the students of HEIs. By taking steps for minimizing the unnecessary expenses, like travel and equipment purchases, postponing the decisions of salary increases as well as building and renovation, reducing administrative and support costs, it will ultimately reduce their impact on tuition fees (Yorke and Thomas 67). As the intrusive federal regulation has a direct impact on inflation of tuition fees in the American universities, therefore higher education institutions should make efforts to diversify and expand their revenue generation streams (Long and Riley 56). Hence, they should concentrate on developing online education, niche-oriented degree, and non-degree academic programs. Besides by expanding research capacities, engaging in licensing and sponsorship agreements, as well as pursuing auxiliary entrepreneurship efforts, like running conference centers, the institutions can be able to earn extra revenue. This will eventually reduce the financial difficulties of these HEIs and enable them to cut-off the higher tuition fees. Besides counselors and advisors should be engaged to facilitate the timely receipt of financial assistance by the students to remove the barriers which will positively help them to continue their studies (Thomas 429). In this infographic graphical evidence is presented to support the fact that tuition fee cut-off and on-time receipt of financial assistance will enhance the learning performance of the students.

Third, this infographic will put emphasis on making proper arrangement for scholarship and educational loans. Due to its role in student retention, this is a significant part in minimizing the financial difficulties in higher institutions of learning. On the basis of several research studies, it can be suggested that collaboration with several financial and business institutions should be made to facilitate the financial aid process. These institutions can receive several benefits in terms of both intellect and money for their help to HEIs (Long and Riley 58). For example, after completing their studies, these students can become an effective human resource to these institutions for flourishing their business opportunities (Yorke and Thomas 69). Further, the HEIs can make an agreement with the financial institutions to facilitate easy finance to the students, if they are in need of it. Therefore, both the HEIs as well as financial and business institutions can get advantages from these types of initiatives. In the infographic, graphic evidence is added to support these types of financial arrangements (Thomas 431).

On the basis of above ethos and logos, we can recommend the following pathos that will eventually minimize the financial difficulties in HEIs. The HEIs should recruit expert counselors and advisors who will acquaint the low-income students with suitable financial aids and processes for facilitating their study program. So, it will also help in increasing the student retention rate. Moreover, for making proper arrangement of scholarship and educational loans, the HEIs should collaborate with financial and business institutions. All these steps will not only minimize the financial difficulties in HEIs, but also increase the student retention rate. This infographic makes graphical presentation to support both of these facts (Long and Riley 60). Hence, it can be suggested that the HEIs should vehemently try to minimize the financial difficulties for improving the students’ experiences and their learning performance.

Works Cited

Long, Bridget Terry and Erin Riley. “Financial Aid: A Broken Bridge to College Access?” Harvard Educational Review, vol. 77, no. 1, 2007, pp.39-63.

Thomas, Liz. “Student Retention in Higher Education: The role of institutional habitus.” Journal of Education Policy, vol. 17, no. 4, 2002, pp.423-432.

Yorke, Mantz and Liz Thomas. “Improving the Retention of Students from Lower Socio-economic Groups.” Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, vol. 25, no. 1, 2003, pp.63-74.