Https eylf- pdfearly childhood australia reconciliation australia
Must use these chapters and DOIs
Scarlet, R. R. (2020). The anti-bias approach in early childhood (4th ed.). Multiverse. (Introduction, Chapters 1, 3, 4, 9, 20).
Derman-Sparkes, L., & Edwards, J. O. (2010). Anti-bias
education for young children and ourselves. National Association
for the Education of Young Children.
Australian Government. (2017). Multicultural Australia: United,
strong, successful.
Hawkins, K. (2014). Looking forward, looking back: Framing the future
for teaching social justice in early childhood education.
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 39(3), 121-128.
Australian Human Rights Commission. (2016). Building belonging: A
toolkit for early childhood educators on cultural diversity and
responding to prejudice.
Blank, J. (2012). Aesthetic education in the early years: Exploring
familiar and unfamiliar personal-cultural landscapes. Contemporary
Issues in Early Childhood, 13(1), 50-62.