BUS854 Case Analysis Presentation


High Distinction











( 0)



Presents information in an unique logical and interesting sequence and holds the attention of the audience

Presents information in an excellent logical sequence and holds the attention of the audience

Presents information in an interesting logical sequence and holds the attention of the audience

Presents information in logical sequence and holds the attention of the audience

No sequence of information, poor organization

Audience seems distracted due to the unorganised presentation



The answer is copied or substantially copied from materials or other sources



Identifies cultural and ethical issues affecting Cross cultural business practices and processes.

Understands Cross cultural business policies, processes and practices and their cultural and social consequences.

Presents an outstanding insightful and thorough analysis of all issues identified;

Makes appropriate and powerful connections between the subject matter issues identified and the concepts studied in the reading; demonstrates complete command of the concepts and analytical tools and models studied

Presents an excellent insightful and thorough analysis of all issues identified;

Makes appropriate and powerful connections between the subject matter issues identified and the concepts studied in the reading; demonstrates complete command of the concepts and analytical tools and models studied

Presents a thorough analysis of most issues identified;

Makes appropriate connections between the subject matter issues identified and the concepts studied in the reading; demonstrates good command of the strategic concepts and analytical tools and models studied

Presents a superficial analysis of some of the issues identified;

Makes appropriate but somewhat vague connections between the between the subject matter issues and concepts studied in the reading; demonstrates limited command of the concepts and analytical tools and models studied

Presents an incomplete analysis of the issues identified

Makes little or no connection between the between the subject matter issues identified and the concepts studied in the reading



The answer is copied or substantially copied from materials or other sources



Supplements case study analysis with accurate interesting, relevant and extensive research into the present situation of the company; clearly and thoroughly documents all sources of information

Ex videos, pictures, tables, data ect

Supplements case study analysis with accurate, relevant research into the present situation of the company; clearly and thoroughly documents all sources of information

Ex videos, pictures, tables, data ect

Supplements case study analysis with relevant research into the present situation of the company; documents all sources of information

Ex videos, pictures, tables, data ect

Supplements case study analysis with limited research into the present situation of the company; provides limited documentation of sources consulted

Ex videos, pictures, tables, data ect

Supplements case study, analysis if at all, with incomplete research and documentation

Ex videos, pictures, tables, data ect



The answer is copied or substantially copied from materials or other sources



Supports a constructive team environment by recognising and encouraging culturally diverse viewpoints and perspectives

Holds attention of audience, direct eye contact and seldom looks at notes, demonstrates full knowledge of subject matter and presents information logically through a amicable team spirit

Consistent use of direct eye contact but still returns to notes demonstrates good knowledge of subject matter and presents information logically through a amicable team spirit

Displayed minimum eye contact and constant reference to notes, minimal understanding of subject matter and jumps around in the presentation through a amicable team spirit

Minimum eye contact, and reads from notes constantly and inadequate understanding of the subject matter, minimal team spirit

No eye contact. Reads the presentation from notes, demonstrates poor subject knowledge and no sequence of information, team spirit missing.



The answer is copied or substantially copied from materials or other sources