Quiz 4

Comment:For feedback on the short answer question and lab, please see the specific question.

Part 1 of 8 - Part 3: Lab ELF

9.0 Points

Question 1 of 31

3.0 Points

Which type of variable does not change during an experiment, and serves as a comparison point for all data points?

A. dependent

B. random

C. independent

D. control

Feedback:Correct! There has to be one variable in the experiment that researchers compare the results of the experiment to, so that accurate conclusions can be made.

Question 2 of 31

3.0 Points

What is the independent variable in the following hypothesis: bacterial growth in an incubator may be affected by temperature?

A. bacterial growth

B. incubator

C. the affect

D. temperature

Feedback:The independent variable is the thing that changes in the experiment, and the dependent variable is what is being measured. Review Relating the Hypothesis to the Experiment in the Lab Lesson Content.

Question 3 of 31

3.0 Points

What is the phenomenon when a fake treatment improves a patient’s condition simply because he or she expects that it will help, but not that it is helping?

A. positive result

B. placebo effect

C. control group

D. sample size

Feedback:When one believes a treatment helps, but the treatment is not an actual drug, the effect is due to an inactive substance. Review the Placebo Effect in the Lab Lesson Content.

Part 2 of 8 - Chapter 7

18.0 Points

Question 4 of 31

3.0 Points

Meiosis produces daughter cells that are what?

A. used to replace dead or damaged cells in the body

B. functionally different in different parts of the body

C. for growth of the body

D. sexual reproduction

Question 5 of 31

3.0 Points

The most common human trisomy is that of chromosome 21, which leads to what?

A. Cri-du-chat syndrome

B. Angelman syndrome

C. Down’s syndrome

D. Klinefelter syndrome

Feedback:Great job.

Question 6 of 31

3.0 Points

What is an individual with an incorrect number (2n-1 or 2n+1) of chromosomes called?

A. autosome

B. euploid

C. aneuploid

D. polyploid

Question 7 of 31

3.0 Points

Humans would best be described as having which of the following life cycles?

A. diploid-dominant

B. alternation of generations

C. haploid-dominant

D. gametophyte dominant

Feedback:Great job.

Question 8 of 31

3.0 Points

Fungi would best be described as having which of the following life cycles?

A. diploid-dominant

B. alternation of generations

C. gametophyte dominant

D. haploid-dominant

Question 9 of 31

3.0 Points

Tortoise shell cats have variegated coat colors caused by X inactivation and are always what?

A. homozygous females

B. heterozygous males

C. heterozygous females

D. homozygous males

Part 3 of 8 - Chapter 8

18.0 Points

Question 10 of 31

3.0 Points

Mendel made crosses between parental lines of pea plants that were homozygous for different alleles of the traits he was studying. When crossing two parents, the F1 generation were all what?

A. recombinants

B. homozygous recessive

C. heterozygous

D. homozygous dominant

Question 11 of 31

3.0 Points

What are gene variants at the same relative locations on homologous chromosome?

A. alleles

B. linked

C. homozygotes

D. codominant

Question 12 of 31

3.0 Points

What is incomplete dominance?

A. when in a heterozygote, expression of two contrasting alleles such that the individual displays an intermediate phenotype

B. a phenomenon in which alleles that are located in close proximity to each other on the same chromosome are more likely to be inherited together

C. in a heterozygote, one trait will conceal the presence of another trait for the same characteristic

D. an interaction between genes such that one gene masks or interferes with the expression of another

Question 13 of 31

3.0 Points

In humans, which of the following is not a sex-linked conditions?

A. some forms of color-blindness

B. hemophilia

C. left or right handiness

D. muscular dystrophy

Question 14 of 31

3.0 Points

In a cross between two heterozygous (Aa) individuals, what is the likely percentage of the offspring that will be heterozygous?

A. 75%

B. 50%

C. 100%

D. 25%

Question 15 of 31

3.0 Points

How many unique gametes could be produced through independent assortment by an individual with the genotype AABbCC?

A. 2

B. 4

C. 8

D. 1

Feedback:A gamete would receive one copy of each allele – meaning either A or A, B or b, C or C – and the combination is what we are looking for. Review Chapter 8.

Part 4 of 8 - Lecture ELF

9.0 Points

Question 16 of 31

3.0 Points

What is the purpose of a Punnett Square?

A. it is a way to visualize only the phenotype in a population

B. it is a way to visualize only the genotype of a cross

C. it is a way to visualize the chromosomes in a population

D. it is a way to visualize the phenotype and genotype of a cross

Feedback:Mendel used a Punnett Square to determine what the peas looked like, both in color as well as genetically. Review the Punnett Square in the Weekly Lesson Lecture.

Question 17 of 31

3.0 Points

What is the central dogma of molecular biology?

A. Proteins can reproduce unassisted

B. Proteins cycle through the cell, ending in RNA coiling

C. RNA initiates DNA replication, which controls all aspects of life

D. DNA is read by RNA, which is then read and proteins are produced

Feedback:DNA is the storage material for all traits, and is the beginning of all processes. Review the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology in the Weekly Lesson Lecture.

Question 18 of 31

3.0 Points

What can cause both helpful changes in our DNA sequence, such as an adaptation, as well as harmful ones, such as cancer?

A. mutations

B. heterozygote

C. replication

D. dominant

Feedback:Changes in our DNA can occur through chance, and the products can either help an individual adapt, or cause harmful effects such as cancer. Review DNA Replication in the Weekly Lesson Lecture.

Part 5 of 8 - Chapter 6

18.0 Points

Question 19 of 31

3.0 Points

Which type of human cells contain a half set of chromosomes (often written as n)?

A. chromosome

B. gamete

C. nucleus

D. genome

Feedback:Sex cells are referred to at haploid, as they only have half of the number of chromosomes. Review the genome in Chapter 6.

Question 20 of 31

3.0 Points

What is the purpose of checkpoints in the cell cycle?

A. to maintain protein health in the cell

B. to ensure detrimental mutations are not passed on

C. to keep any foreign DNA out of the cell

D. to make the division move faster

Question 21 of 31

3.0 Points

What is the process of cell division called in prokaryotes?

A. Cytokinesis

B. Binary fission

C. Double fusion

D. Single mutation

Question 22 of 31

3.0 Points

What is the phase that not all cells enter, but is a phase where cells are not actively dividing?

A. S

B. G0

C. G1

D. G2

Feedback:Some cells, either temporarily or permanently, are in a quiescent stage when they exit the cell cycle. Review the cell cycle in Chapter 6.

Question 23 of 31

3.0 Points

During which stage in interphase does DNA synthesis occur?

A. Mitosis

B. G2 phase

C. S phase

D. G1 phase

Question 24 of 31

3.0 Points

What is the major difference during cytokinesis in eukaryotes with or without a cell wall?

A. cleavage furrow in those without cell walls

B. cytokinesis does not occur in cells without a cell wall

C. cell plate in those without cell walls

D. cytokinesis does not occur in cells with a cell wall

Feedback:The cell wall means that cell division occurs with an additional structure, resulting from vesicles fusing on the cell wall. Review the cell cycle in Chapter 6.

Part 6 of 8 - Lab Material

15.0 Points

Question 25 of 31

3.0 Points

What was a big different between the fossils in layer 5 and those in layer 2?

A. Layer 2 contained mostly fish without spines

B. Layer 5 contained mostly fish without spines

C. Layer 5 had fish that were mostly female

D. Layer 2 had fish that were mostly female

Feedback:Review Lab 4: Stickleback Evolution, Part 2

Question 26 of 31

3.0 Points

What score would you assign to a fossil specimen that has only one pelvic spine visible?

A. complete

B. reduced

C. semi-absent

D. absent

Question 27 of 31

3.0 Points

How many years separation does each layer in this fossilized stickleback lab represent?

A. 1 billion

B. 3,000

C. 1 million

D. 10,000

Question 28 of 31

3.0 Points

Why did we use a line graph for the data in this experiment?

A. It is the only type where time can be added

B. They are used to represent continuous data

C. They have an X and Y axis

D. You can compare one point in time

Question 29 of 31

3.0 Points

What is one advantage to studying fossils?

A. There are no advantages to fossils

B. We can see long-term patterns

C. We can alter current evolution

D. There is indication of what is occurring in real-time

Part 7 of 8 - Lab Essay

5.0 Points

Question 30 of 31

5.0 Points

In 2-3 sentences, what was the overall purpose of the lab for this week?

The overall objective of experiment 2 is to see which stickle cell fish has complete, reduced, or absent pelvic by examining fossils from two different lakes.

Comment: you are on the right track, but what can we learn from that bone?

The purpose of the lab is to examine the Stickleback fish's pelvis over time. It presence or absence of the pelvis tells of the environment during that time in it's history, and how the species have evolved over time.

Part 8 of 8 - Lab Upload

8.0 Points

Question 31 of 31

8.0 Points

Please upload your completed Lab Packet for this week. Make sure your name is on the top in the space provided.