From Gaul to France Assignment Help

From Gaul to France: The History, Archaeology and Science of the Fall of the Roman Empire

The Roman Empire was known for its extremely vast social and political structure in the Western civilization. By 285 CE the empire had grown so vast that it had to be divided into Western and Eastern Empire by the emperor Diocletian. The dynasty began with Augustus Caesar when he became the first emperor of Rome in 31 BCE and ended with the dethronement of Romulus Augustulus by German King Odoacer in 476 CE. In the East it came to be known as the Byzantine Empire and continued until the death of Constantine XI and the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks. The Roman Empire is known due to its vast and versatile effects on Western civilization. However, the decline of the empire is also a historical theme which was especially discussed by historian Edward Gibbon. According to him the internal decline in the political, economic, military, social and cultural spheres could be a result of the decline of this famous empire. For history students the dealings of Roman Empire From Gaul to France and The History, Archaeology and Science of the Fall of the Roman Empire is a very important topic. Therefore they should seek online help from whatever sources they have.

Several Events

Behind the fall there could be hundreds or thousands of reasons and explanations. These reasons and the thoughts behind them can be classified into four schools of thought which are the following:

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  • Decay Owing to General Malaise
  • Monocausal Collapse
  • Catastrophic Collapse
  • Transformation

Gibbon discussed each of these issues broadly and can be considered as the founding father of the Monocausal Theory. The other theories are also associated with the issue of the migration. The Transformation school surprisingly challenges the very notion of the fall of the Empire. This theory works on basically the Pirenne thesis. According to this thesis, the Roman empire had to undergo a gradual as well as violent series of transformations. The theorists of this school often prefer to term it as the Late Antiquity instead of the Fall.